D.I. Mendeleev A.M.Butlerov

Professional & Executive Education

Ñhemistry has been taught at Moscow University since its establishment in 1755. Since then, many generations of Russian chemists have studied and taught at the university, and some of them were the major figures in the history of science. In 2019, the Faculty of Chemistry solemnly celebrated the 90th anniversary of its Foundation, and it is very symbolic that this anniversary coincided with the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Periodic table of chemical elements by Dmitry I. Mendeleev.

Today, the Faculty consists of 17 departments and 1 inter-department laboratory, which presents all the areas of contemporary chemical science. Our academic staff includes 12 academicians, 19 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 350 teachers and about 700 researchers. Over 1200 students and about 300 post-graduate students study at the faculty.

Students of the LMSU Faculty of Chemistry live in the best student dormitory in Russia. They have many options for leisure, sport, acting, and other social and creative activities. There are more than 50 sports sections and more than 20 creative teams at Moscow State University. At the Faculty of Chemistry, several student organizations are actively working including the Student Council and the Student Trade Union. From the first years in the LMSU, students of the Faculty of Chemistry are engaged in scientific research. Graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry of Lomonosov Moscow State University are world-class scientists in demand in the best scientific and organizations and leading industrial companies in the world.

Training programs for foreign students implemented at the Faculty of Chemistry of the LMSU

  1. Specialist program
  2. Bachelor program
  3. Master program

Masters program in the field of Decommissioning of Nuclear facilities
(including Radioactive Waste Management)

XAS/XES School 2020 on Advanced Synchrotron Methods: X-ray Absorption and Emission spectroscopy

Basic information for foreign applicants

Why study at the department of chemistry of the MSU?

How to apply

Contact information

Executive secretary of the Admissions Board Ph.D.,
associate professor Artem E. Zhirnov
+7(926) 4102689

Let’s invite you to a virtual tour of the LMSU Faculty of Chemistry!


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Web-Editor: B.I.Pokrovskii
Web-design: Copyright (C) I. Minyaylova and V. Minaylov

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