Russian International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics
Moscow, June 27 - July 2, 2005
Round Tables
1. Teaching of chemical thermodynamics
Valentin N. Parmon, Novosibirsk
2. Nanothermodynamics
Anatolii I. Rusanov, St.-Petersburg
Preliminary programme:
- Rusanov
A.I. Nanothermodynamics: phase and chemical approach
- Smirnova
N.A. Thermodynamic modeling in the studies of nanostructured "soft" materials
- Suzdalev
I.P. Melting of nanoclusters and role of cluster interactions.
- Gusarov
V.V. Stratified compounds and stratified heteronanostructures.
- Discussion
3. Thermodynamics of
systems in the external fields
Gleb A. Abakumov, Nizhnii
4. Development of
thermochemistry in the Moscow State University
Raisa M. Varuschenko, Moscow
Preliminary programme:
- Varuschenko R.M, Kolesov V.P.
Thermochemistry school in the Moscow State University. Centenary of Prof.
- Vorob'ev
A.F. Historical aspect of development of thermochemistry in Russia: episodes of
life scientific activity of Profs. V.Sventoslavsky, I.A.Kablukov, M.M.Popov,
S.M.Skuratov, V.P.Glushko and K.P.Mischenko.
- Miroshnichenko
E.A. Combustion calorimetry and enthalpies of formation of elementorganic
- Discussion.
Attendants of the Conference are welcome to contact the organizers
concerning participation in the Round Tables