Brykina G. D., Matusova S. M., Uvarova M. I., Shpigun O. A.
Retention of tetra-4-tert-butylphthalocyanine and its complexes with zinc and
cobalt in the systems Diasorb-130-Nh2-spirit.
retention of tetra-4-tert-butylphthalocyanine and its complexes with Zn and Co
was studied in spirits and their mixtures on a column Diasorb-130–NH2.
It is demonstrated that chromatographic peaks of compounds are symmetrical not
always, have the broadened tail, however CoPct,
ZnPct and H2Pct solving in toluene or in such
mobile phases as i-propanol, i-propanol–methanol
(4:1) can be identify on the retention parameters depending on the
nature of the reaction center.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002