S. A. Borisenkova, E. G. Guirenko, S. A. M ikhalenko, V. M. Negrimovsky, L. I. Solovyova, O. L. K aliya, E. A. Luk’yanets
high effective catalysts of oxidation on the basis of the charged forms
influence of a charge sign of the
substituents in phthalocyanines with the
common formula R+8PcM and R-8PcM
on their catalytic activity in ascorbic acid oxidation by dioxygen was
investigated. On the example of complexes Fe and Co it was shown that the
change of the charge sign of the substituents from negative to positive
one results in increase of phthalocyanines catalytic activity on the order of
magnitude. Opposite charged complexes form in solutions the stable associates.
Composition and structure of the
associates are determined by a nature
of metal and the catalytic activity of some of them essentially higher than sum
of activity for initial complexes.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002