Ilyina A., Hernández Vázquez M. G., Valdez Lara E. L., Chorne Navia R., Chávez Chávez R., Rodríguez Martínez J.
Prostaglandin H
synthase activity in the presence of calcium ions and mouse skin in vitro
Using preparation of microsomes obtained from
bovine vesicular gland, the prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS, EC
activity was studied at a wide range of Ca2+ concentrations. It was
demonstrated that at calcium concentrations lower than 0.005 mM, the activity
was not changed significantly. Increase in calcium concentration resulted in
enzyme inhibition and at the same time decreased the constant of enzyme
inactivation during the reaction. The storage stability of lyophilized enzyme
preparations obtained with and without calcium ions was evaluated. The effect
of calcium ions to stabilize the PGHS, reported early for the enzyme solutions,
was not observed. Moreover, the PGHS activity and PGE1 as well as
PGE2 concentration were monitored in the presence of mice skin (1 cm2)
applied as piece or in the homogenized form. It was observed that preincubation
with skin at 37°C for more than 54 minutes slowly decreased the enzyme activity
and prostaglandin concentration.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002