Yu. G. Bogdanova, V. D. Dolzhikova The Bulk and Interfacial Properties of Aqueous Binary Mixed Solutions of Pluronic L61 with Low-Molecular Surfactants Abstract The bulk and interfacial properties of polymer non-ionic surfactant pluronic L61 with single surfactants of different type (ionic, non-ionic) – surface tension, micellization, wetting and modifying action on hydrophilic and hydrophobic solids – were investigated. In the low concentration range the synergistic effect of surface tension decrease and wetting action increase was discovered. Extend of effect’s displaying depends on the type of single surfactant and mole ratio of components in mixture. It was showed that the wetting behaviour of hydrophobic solids can be predicted by surface tension isotherms analysis.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002 |