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O. A. Drozhzhin, Ph. S. Napolsky, S. Ya. Istomin, Ye. V. Antipov

Synthesis and crystal structure of the novel complex cobalt and nickel oxide, Sr2.25Y0.75Co1.25Ni0.75O6.84


Novel complex cobalt and nickel oxide Sr2,25Y0,75Co1,25Ni0,75O6,84 has been synthesized using liquid citrates route. Oxygen content was determined by iodometric titration. Crystal structure of the compound was refined using X-ray powder diffraction data (a = 3,7951(2), c = 19,700(1) E, c2 = 1,15, RF2 = 0,0586, Rp = 0,0365, Rwp = 0,0462). Sr2,25Y0,75Co1,25Ni0,75O6,84 has a structure of the second member of Ruddlesden–Popper series An+1BnO3n+1.
Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin.
2007, Vol. 48, No. 3, P. 207

Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002
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