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L. E. Agafonova, A. I. Druzhinina, R. M. Varushchenko, O. V. Polyakova

The low-temperature heat capacity and saturation vapour pressure of ethyl ester of butanoic acide


The heat capacity, thermodynamic properties of fusion and purity of the ethyl ester of butanoic acide were determined by adiabatic calorimetry in the temperature range from 8 to 372 K. The pT-parameters of the ester for the equilibrium liquid–vapour were measured by comparative ebulliometry in the "atmospheric" range of the pressure from 10,8 to 101,7 kPa. Obtained data were used for deriving the normal boiling temperature, Tn.b., the enthalpies of vaporization at T = 298,15 K and Tn.b., and the main thermodynamic functions (changes of S, H, G) in the crystal and liquid states of the temperature interval studied and in the ideal gas state at T=298,15 K. The experimental vapour pressures of the narrow temperature interval, DT=62 K were extended to the entire range of the liquid from triple, T0tp to critical, Tcr, temperatures, TcrT0tp =394,3 K.
Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin.
2010, Vol. 51, No. 5, P. 347

Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002
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