V. V. Rogozhin, D. V. Peretolchin Kinetics of individual and combined oxidation of dihydroquercetin and potassium ferrocyanide catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase Abstract The study-state kinetics of individual and cooxidation of ferrocyanide and dihydroquercetin catalyzed by horsersdish peroxidase was studieed. It is shown, that ferrocyanide and dihydroquercetin are slowly oxidized substrata peroxidase. In an interval pH 4,5-8,0 sizes kcat and Km for these substrata peroxidase are certain. In reactions of cooxidation substrata was revealed, that at pH 4,5-7,0 dihydroquercetin accelerated oxidation ferrocyanide. At pH³7,5 oxidation only dihydroquercetin was observed. Mechanisms of reactions of combined oxidation ferrocyanide and dihydroquercetin are offered.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002 |