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A. T. Duysebekova

Quantum chemical studyof freeand coordinatemoleculesand complexes ofamideswithmercuric acetatepropionamide


Quantum-chemicalmethods theelectronicstructure and reactivity offree andcoordinatedmoleculesandfatty acid amidecomplexwithmercuric acetatepropionamide. The geometric, energetic parameters. Observedconformational changeof the moleculesandfatty acid amidecomplexwithmercuric acetatepropionamideincomplexation.
Key words: quantum chemical research, heat of formation, top occupied molecular orbital, bottom vacant molecular orbital, an atom charge, bond energy.
Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin.
2013, Vol. 54, No. 2, P. 127

Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002
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