Professor Dmitrii N. Trubnikov - head of the laboratory since 1979.
The Laboratory of Molecular Beams has been created by Prof. D. Trubnikov in 1979. The main contributions to the development of the Laboratory were made by Dr. A. Lazarev, Dr. V. Baranov, Dr. N. Zastenker, Dr. A. Larin, Dr. E. Belega.
The main field of the investigations carried out in the laboratory is the chemistry in supersonic beams. The investigations include:
New method to obtain the interaction potential parameters was proposed for atoms at low energy. A modified quasi-classical method was developed and used to calculate the partition functions of van der Waals clusters.
Molecular Dynamic Method is widely used in the Laboratory to study conformational transitions in clusters. Studies of van der Waals complexes like benzene-Arn is of special significance by time-of-flight mass spectrometry with resonance enhanced two-photon ionization (REMPI) and zero-energy spectroscopy (ZEKE).
New effects of atom, molecule, and ion velocity distributions have been experimentally obtained from pulse laser deposition of the different complex thin films.
Some research of the last years deals with the relationship between interaction energy and intermolecular vibration frequency shift in diatomic molecule adsorbed or included in benzene complex.
van der Waals molecules are investigated experimentally by RETOF method. Complex for these studies includes: reflection time of flight mass spectrometer, the source of supersonic jet and molecular beam, CO2 laser, eximer laser, two tunable dye lasers with doubling frequency, YAG:Nd laser with five harmonics, and multichannel optical analyzer. For theoretical investigations of van der Waals molecules Molecular Dynamics method is widely used.
The laboratory is a member of the inter-university project "Chemistry in supersonic jets", and is a member of the joint project with Sussex University (Great Britain) "Investigation of small van der Waals and metal clusters and ions (theory and experiment)" supported by the Royal Society.
Two courses for students and graduate students are given:
Selected publications
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