Laboratory of the Nuclear Chemistry Techniques

Laboratory Chief - Doctor of Science , Professor
Yury D. Perfiliev
Phone: (+7-095)-939-3468
Fax: (+7-095)-939-8846

Laboratory Staff
Scientific interests
Grants and Projects
Recent publications

Laboratory Staff :


General :

Nuclear gamma-resonance (Moessbauer) spectroscopy defines the name and topics of scientific activity of the laboratory. Investigations have been conducted in the two main directions corresponding to the particularities of the techniques used. The conventional transmission variant of Moessbauer spectroscopy gives an opportunity to establish a number of physicochemical properties of elements and their compounds in the solid state: valency, covalency of chemical bonding, coordination of ions, distortions in the crystal lattice, presence of several ions in different sites and oxidation states, vacancies, clasters, etc.. The knowledge of all these properties plays an important role in various areas of chemistry. The second topic of investigations is developed on the basis of emission Moessbauer spectroscopy. The subject of study in this case is the processes of high energy chemistry associated with the creation of electron vacancies in deep shells of the atom. Electronic de-excitation of atoms proceeds via the Auger multiple ionization process. Its chemical consequences depend on localized self-radiolysis, the ability of accepting the Auger and secondary electrons by the stabilizing atom, photochemical transformation, etc., and may be studied by the above-mentioned technique.


Scientific interests :


Grants and Projects

    1. 1998-2000. State scientific program "The Universities of Russia" project : "Study of long-time (days, mounths) relaxation effect of atomic magnetic moments by the nuclear-physico methods" (Coordinator S.K. Godovikov)
    2. 1998. Grants of RFBR N 98-03-46033 - Publication of book translation "Moessbauer spectroscopy of frozen solutions" edited by A.Vertes and D.L.Nagy (1990) (Coordinator Yury D. Perfiliev)
    3. 1996-1999. Projects of INTAS N 96-1015 "Physicochemical investigation of bacterial metabolites, molecular structures and related biocomplexes involved in associative plant-microbe interactions" (Coordinator Yury D. Perfiliev)
    4. 1996-1998. Grants of RFBR N 96-03-33312 "Matrix stabilization of unstable oxidation states of elements" (Coordinator Yury D. Perfiliev)
    1. 1993-1995. Grants of RFBR ¹ 93-03-25836 "Anomalous oxidation states of the VIII group periodic systems elements" (Coordinator Yury D. Perfiliev)
    2. 1992-1993. Project "Physico-chemical aspects of molecular systems response on atom ionization in internal shells" (Coordinator Yury D. Perfiliev) direction "Development of experimental and theoretical research on molecular energetic" (program's of the Rus. Acad. Sci.)


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