Mendeleev Online |
Table of
Contents |
about Mendeleev |
- Dmitriy Mendeleev: A Short CV, and A Story of Life.
Modern biography of Mendeleev written by E.Babaev in 2009 for the journal Mendeleev Communications
(see also Haitian Creole translation of this biography).
- Two recent papers of 2009:
175th BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF DMITRY MENDELEEV and Periodic Law – Lodestar in natural science from the Voice of Russia
- Early comment on Mendeleev
biographies by L.Graham in Russian and Soviet Science and
Technology (History of Science Society Newsletter, 1989).
- An article
The Universe of Mendeleev by P.Obraztsov dedicated to 170th
anniversary of the Great chemist. From Izvestiya newspaper, 2004.
- New Mendeleev
biography (published in 2003) by R.Morris in the book The Last
Sorcerers: The Path from Alchemy to the Periodic Table. See Chapter
9, pp.157-175 (available free online).
- Mendeleyev:
Overview from Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology, Moscow (cashed).
- Ich
bin Mendelejeff: Excellent biography in English from Woodrow Wilson
Summer Institute.
- Paper
from The Moscow Times (2004).
- Short Mendeleev biographies from:
- The
Golden Book of Russia (2000), - The Voice of Russia
and - Best of
Russia sites (cashed).
- An article
Everything in Its Place: One man's love affair with the periodic
table by O.Sacks. From New York Times, 1998.
- A book
by M.Gordin A Well-Ordered Thing: Dmitrii Mendeleev and the Shadow of
the Periodic Table. See the Table of
Contents, a review
from C&EN, and other reviews.
- Mendeleev
at FECS Millennium Project "100 Distinguished European Chemists".
- Dimitri
Mendelejeff: Short data in German from Heidelberg university and the
map of campus where Mendeleev lived.
- BBC film "
Steven Hawking's Universe" with one part devoted to Mendeleev.
Download here! [250Mb]
- Father
of the Periodic Table: a video cassette (28 min).
- ...Mendel, Mendeleev, Mendelson...
Online encyclopedical
sourses: - Editable Wikipedia,
- Similar h2g2
project of BBC, - Eric Weisstein World of
Science, - Columbia
Encyclopedia. - The Hutchinson Dictionary of
Scientific Biography,
- Mendeleev's quotes.
- Miscellaneous overviews and compillations: to be continued.
Papers and
Books by Mendeleev |
Original papers
- Extract from the first Mendeleev's paper about the Periodic Law "The Relation
between the Properties and Atomic Weights of the Elements",
Journal of the Russian Chemical Society, 1, 60-77 (1869)
[Engl. transl.]
- A short abstract of this paper (in
German) has immediately appeared in Zeitschrift für Chemie,
12, 405-6 (1869). See English
translation provided by C.Giunta.
- "A Natural System of the Elements and its Use in Predicting the
Properties of Undiscovered Elements", Journal of the Russian
Chemical Society, 3, 25-56 (1871) [Engl. transl.]
- Selected
Classic Papers on Periodicity by Mendeleev
and other authors
(Newlands, Meyer, Ramsay).
- "The Periodic
Law of the Chemical Elements", Faraday Lecture of Mendeleev,
Journal of the Chemical Society, 55, 634-56 (1889). The
copy is here.
- "An Attempt
Towards a Chemical Conception of the Ether"
by Professor D.
Mendeleeff. Longmans, Green & Co, NY (1904).
- "The
Danger of Free Trade" by D.Mendeleev, 1891 (Executive Intelligence
Review, 1992).
- "On the Exploration of the Arctic Ocean" by D.Mendeleev, 1901 (Executive Intelligence Review, 2012; transl. by S.Welsh).
- Mendeleev's book "Towards Learning
Russia": Modern comments by T.Aizatulin .
"Principles of Chemistry"
- Original Russian edition: Osnovy Khimii. St.Petersburg, 1869:
the cover
and the title
- English edition: Mendeleyev D.I. The principles of chemistry.
London. Longmans, Green, 1891. Microfiche
No.23 available at Landmarks of Science
- German edition: D. Mendelejeff. Grundlagen der Chemie. Ricker,
St. Petersburg, 1891. Available
at Heidelberg university library archive.
- Mendeleev's book "Principles
of Chemistry" in the chronology of Russian history.
History of the
Periodic Law, Classification and Prediction of
Elements |
Tables ONLINE: Links Collections |
- Collection
1: From WebElements (UK)
- Collection
2: Chemistry Teaching Resources (Sweden)
- Collection
3: From The Pictorial Periodic Table (cashed)
- Collection
4: with screenshots by Ron Rinehart
- Yahoo!
- Science: Chemistry: Periodic Table of the Elements
- Early collections (cashed) from The
Catalyst and the set of Periodic tables on
169 languages.
- HTML tags for
periodic table (cashed)
- Overview of the other possible types of periodic
tables (e.g. for isotopes, hydrocarbons, functional groups etc.),
involving hyper-periodic table for all molecules.
- Special "Periodic Table of Badges"
from Moscow University. The buttons are issued every year in May (since
1965), when MSU is celebrating The Chemist Day, and each button
is devoted to a certain element.
of Mendeleev |
Many pictures of Mendeleev can be found in the internet: click here
or there
Some remarkable examples:
- Portrait of
Mendeleev by Ilya Repin (1885).
- One more Mendeleev
portrait by Ivan Kramskoy (1878).
- Collection of Mendeleev photos.
From The Science & Society Picture Library.
- One memorial
portrait of Mendeleev.
Related Pages |
Internet Resourses about Mendeleev |
About this
Site |
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me if you have questions
This page is maintained by
Eugene V. Babaev.
Copyright (C) 1998-2012
Last updated Feb. 20, 2012
Visits since Sept. 26, 2004: