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Dr. Mikhail K. Beklemishev, Senior Research Fellow, Division of Analytical Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Russia. Born in 1961 in Moscow. After graduation with M.S.(with honor) from the named University (1983) he studied solvent extraction of metals with azaanalogs of crown ethers and obtained his Ph.D. (1989) from Moscow State University. Since 1989 he was a Research Fellow at the Division of Analytical Chemistry and developed techniques of continuous flow analysis (including kinetic catalytic detection) and sorption and solvent extraction of metals. In 1993-1994 he spent a year as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. C.M.Wai at the University of Idaho, working on solvent extraction and sorption of metal ions with the use of crown and aza-crown compounds. Since 1995 he is a Senior Research Fellow and a group leader at the Laboratory of Kinetic Methods of Analysis. He studies reactions on the surfaces of adsorbents catalyzed with metals and organic substances.
1. M.K.Beklemishev, T.A.Stoyan, I.F.Dolmanova. Sorption-Catalytic Determination of Manganese Directly on a Paper-Based Chelating Sorbent. Analyst, 1997, vol. 122, No.10, p.1161-1165.
2. M.K.Beklemishev, S.G.Dmitrienko, and N.V.Isakova. Solvent Extraction of Metals with Macrocyclic Reagents and its Analytical Applications. Chapter 3 in the book: Macrocyclic Compounds in Analytical Chemistry, ed. Yu.A.Zolotov. John Wiley & Sons, N.-Y., Chichester, ... , Toronto, 1997. Pp. 63-208.
3. M.K.Beklemishev and C.M.Wai. Liquid Extraction, New Extraction Agents - Crown Ether Extractants. Chapter 3 in the book: "Separation Techniques in Nuclear Waste Management", T.E.Carleson, N.A.Chipman, C.M.Wai, editors. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 1995. Pp. 47-67.
4. Extraction and Determination of Thallium in Thallium-Doped Sodium Iodide Single Crystals by Extraction with Aza Analogs of Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 and X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. Zh. Anal. Khim., 1989, 44(6), 1058 (4 co-authors).
5. Solvent Extraction and Extraction-Kinetic Determination of Osmium with the Use of Azaanalogs of Dibenzo-18-Crown-6. Zh.Analit. Khimii, 1989, 44(2), p.356-362 (two co-authors).
6. Continuous-Flow Analysis. Determination of Iron in Technological Solutions. Zh. Anal. Khim., 1992, 47(7), 1211 (3 co-authors).
7. Sorption of Manganese on Oxidised Activated Carbon. Vestnik Mosk. Univ., Ser. Khimiya, 1995, 36(6), p.551-555 (3 co-authors).
8. Segmented Continuous Flow Analysis. Determination of Osmium by Use of Catalytic Reaction of p-Phenylenediamine with Hydrogen Peroxide. Vestnik Mosk. Univ.,Ser. Khimiya, 1992, 33(5), p.472-475 (3 co-authors).