Publications of the Laboratory of Structural Chemistry
- Y.V. Fedorov, V.N. Zakharov
Stability and developability of silver and gold latent-image centres.
- Y.V. Fedorov, V.N. Zakharov
Influence of redox buffer solutions on photographic sensivity.
- L.A. Aslanov, A.A. Karabutov, N.B. Podymova, H.Schenk, V.N. Zakharov
Vibrational mechanism of latent image speck formation.
- A.E. Galashin, A.V. Rumiantcev, V.N. Zakharov
Nonselective reduction of AgBr emulsion. Correlation between concentration
of silver on the surface and microcrystals speed.
- V.N. Zakharov
The peculiarities of an electrolytic reduction of emulsion grains
- V. Zakharov, L. Aslanov, A. Suisalu
A study of photosensitizers by ODMR (optically detected magnetic
- V. Zakharov, H. Schenk
The kinetic aspects of the chemical development process of ultra
fine-grained AgBr crystals
- S.F. Chernov, V.N. Zakharov
Optical and physical properties of silver colour centres in microcrystals
in silver bromide films