Russian J.Phys.Chem., v. 70(7). p. 1241-1246 (1996); translated to English from Zh.Fiz.Khim., v. 70(7). p. 1224-1229 (1996)
ABSTRACT. Supermolecular ordering in cyclohexane - cyclohexanol mixture was studied in a wide temperature and a whole concentration intervals. Equations for the excess functions of mixing (Gibbs energy, enthalpy, entropy), activity coefficients of components, and static permittivity (dipole correlation factor) have been derived. A model implying the formation of alhohol's chains of arbitrary length with correlated states of H-bonds in associates (collective H-bonds) in inert solvent (cyclohexane) was grounded. The thermodynamic and structural characteristics of the supramolecular aggregation was obtained. An unified description of molecular nature a set of the thermodynamic and dielectric properties of cyclohexane-cyclohexanol mixture in terms of generalized quasi-chemical models on the molecular-structural level was demonstrated. The existence of the long range molecular ordering was established.