Химический факультет МГУ

Избранные главы химии
(курсы по выбору на английском языке)

Список студентов, записавшихся на курсы по выбору

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  Фамилия Имя Отчество Группа Курс
1 Liu Zhehao Маг 1 курс Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
2 Teslenko Fedor Evgen'evich 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
3 Абдуллина Диана Радиковна Магистер 1 курс химическая технология Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
4 Абдурахманов Р?ман Гаджиевич Магистратура, направление В«химическая технологияВ», 1 курс. Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
5 Абдусаламова Раисат Магомедовна Магистратура "химическая технология" 1 курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
6 Аблрашитова Ирина Владимировна 503 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
7 Абрамова Татьяна Александровна 510 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
8 Адайкина Анастасия Юрьевна 521 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
9 Алексеев Никита Валерьевич 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
10 Алпатов Степан Сергеевич 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
11 Антонова Анастасия Александровна 503 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
12 Астахова Ольга Ивановна 516 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
13 Ашарчук Артем Андреевич 512 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
14 Баклагин Николай Аркадьевич 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
15 Барашкова Ксения Александровна 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
16 Бежанидзе Елене Звиадовна 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
17 Бежанидзе Мариам Звиадовна 514 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
18 Берсенев Евгений Алексеевич 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
19 Бобровская Ксения Вадимовна 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
20 Бойченко Дмитрий Сергеевич 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
21 Болдырев Виталий Николаевич 510 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
22 Борисов Даниил Евгеньевич 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
23 Боровкова Дарья Андреевна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
24 Бородина Аполлинария Федоровна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
25 Босых Майя Олеговна 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
26 Бруннер Маргарита Дмитриевна 521 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
27 Бруякин Юрий Владимирович 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
28 Бурлуцкий Роман Олегович 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
29 Бурштынович Руслан Кириллович 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
30 Бутакова Нина Сергеевна 505 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
31 Вань Синьсинь Органическая химия Маг-1 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
32 Варламов Виталий Андреевич 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
33 Васильева Александра Андреевна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
34 Васильев Михаил Владимирович 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
35 Васильев Фёдор Алексеевич 503 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
36 Вергун Сергей Сергеевич 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
37 Вертепов Андрей Евгеньевич 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
38 Ветров Денис Евгеньевич 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
39 Вещицкий Глеб Алексеевич 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
40 Волкова Светлана Игоревна 516 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
41 Воронов Андрей Антонович 507 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
42 Галатынюк Анастасия Сергеевна 507 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
43 Галицин Александр Павлович 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
44 Галушка Серафим Сергеевич 101м Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
45 Гаранин Даниил Константинович 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
46 Голицин Леонид Юрьевич 516 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
47 Головнин Иван Ильич 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
48 Гонгадзе Иван Сосоевич 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
49 Горина Виктория Андреевна 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
50 Городнова Анастасия Всеволодовна 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
51 Григорьев Дмитрий Вячеславович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
52 Гринь Константин Николаевич 1 курс магистратура States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
53 Гусаров Алексей Русланович 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
54 Давыдов Данил Андреевич 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
55 Дагаев Николай Дмитриевич 504 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
56 Деянков Данила Андреевич 515 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
57 Дмитриенко Василиса Владимировна 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
58 Дубцова Анастасия Павловна 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
59 Дьяконов Андрей Константинович 518 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
60 Евдакова Анастасия 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
61 Евдокимов Артём Анатольевич 514 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
62 Евстигнеева Анна Дмитриевна 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
63 Егоров Илья Васильевич 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
64 Екимов Михаил Сергеевич 516 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
65 Емельянов Артём Евгеньевич 503 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
66 Енбаев Захар Сергеевич 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
67 Ермаков Максим Олегович 105м Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
68 Жанатаев Ильяс Алиевич 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
69 Жилкин Максим Вадимович 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
70 Журавлев Артем Владимирович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
71 Заверткина Мария Васильевна 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
72 Заздравных Анастасия Владиславовна 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
73 Зазерин Кирилл Сергеевич 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
74 Зайцев Максим Олегович 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
75 Зарипов Артем Альбертович 521 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
76 Захаркина Александра Ивановна 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
77 Захаров Святослав Всеволодович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
78 Звонова Александра Александровна 510 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
79 Зиновьев Николай Андреевич 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
80 Золотов Михаил Владимирович 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
81 Зонов Роман Валерьевич 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
82 Зорина Анна Андреевна 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
83 Иванова Анна Александровна 501 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
84 Иванова Елизавета Андреевна 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
85 Иванов Дмитрий Сергеевич 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
86 Ивашковская Мария Николаевна 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
88 Киреев Василий Андреевич 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
89 Кириллова Валерия Арамовна 515 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
90 Китаева Мария Ильинична 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
91 Козлов Константин Сергеевич 515 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
92 Кокшарова Марина Валереьвна 503 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
93 Кольман-Иванов Эрнест Васильевич 515 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
94 Кольченко Мария Михайловна 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
95 Конончик Никита Сергеевич 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
96 Коноплев Алексей Сергеевич 501 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
97 Константинов Максим Сергеевич Магистратура 1 курс, химическая технология Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
98 Корников Андрей Ильич 501 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
99 Коробков Степан Михайлович 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
100 Костромитин Владислав Сергеевич 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
101 Красильников Максим Сергеевич 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
102 Краснояров Даниил Евгеньевич 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
103 Крашенинина София Владимировна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
104 Крашенинина София Владимировна 503 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
105 Крысанов Никита Сергеевич 516 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
106 Крючкова Дарья Сергеевна 520 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
107 Кувандыкова Елена Алексеевна 507 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
108 Кузнецова Агата Николаевна 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
109 Кузьмина Мария Сергеевна 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
110 Кулинич Яна Андреевна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
111 Курлыкин Артём Андреевич 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
112 Лаврентьева Ирина Дмитриевна 507 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
113 Лагутин Александр Александрович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
114 Лебедева Марина Ивановна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
115 Лексаков Дмитрий Александрович Магистры 1 года Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
116 Линдин Евгений Юрьевич 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
117 Логинов Алексей Павлович 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
118 Лопатин Максим Юрьевич 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
119 Лосев Тимофей Валерьевич 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
120 Лысенко Антонина Николаевна 521 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
121 Лю Юнхао Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
122 Макаров Михаил Сергеевич 520 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
123 Малахова Виктория Романовна Магистр 1 курс Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
124 Малащенко Николай Андреевич 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
125 Маликов Алексей Андреевич 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
126 Мальченкова Анна Алексеевна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
127 Марагаева Валерия Николаевна 516 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
128 Маркелова Мария Дмитриевна 510 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
129 Матвеев Михаил Владимирович 511 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
130 Мельников Борис Васильевич 507 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
131 Мирской Георгий Александрович 519 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
132 Митин Илья Викторович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
133 Мишина Валентина Михайловна 521 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
134 Молчан Артём Дмитриевич 515 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
135 Морозов Алексей Андреевич 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
136 Мосиевич Даниил Викторович 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
137 Мустакимова Екатерина Алексеевна 507 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
138 Мустакимов Роберт Эдуардович 507 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
139 Мушенков Владимир Андреевич 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
140 Назарова Дарья Владимировна 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
141 Наумова Полина Олеговна 507 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
142 Негру Никита Юрьевич 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
143 Николаева Екатерина Владиславовна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
144 Овсянников Михаил Вмкторович 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
145 Овченкова Анна Евгеньевна 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
146 Овчинникова Валерия Игоревна 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
147 Орлов Григорий Алексеевич 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
148 Павлова Мария Алексеевна 514 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
149 Пашков Григорий Андреевич 501 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
150 Петров Александр Сергеевич 504 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
151 Печникова Галина Сергеевна 520 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
152 Пивень Юлия Сергеевна 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
153 Плешаков Владислав Михайлович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
154 Поморцева Вероника Сергеевна 514 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
155 Попов Георгий Владимирович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
156 Потапова Анастасия Алексеевна 511 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
157 Пурыскин Иван Дмитриевич 503 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
158 Ратова Дарья-Мария Вадимовна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
159 Рахманов Евгений Олегович 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
160 Рублева Анастасия Алексеевна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
161 Руденко Михаил Александрович 514 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
162 Савоськин Александр Евгеньевич 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
163 Свечихина Мария Михайловна 514 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
164 Семешкина Дарья Денисовна 501 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
165 Сибирцев Александр Михайлович 504 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
166 Силютин Александр Николаевич 121м Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
167 Синельникова Дарья Георгиевна 510 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
168 Сморчкова Ирина Валерьевна 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
169 Соболев Константин Алексеевич 516 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
170 Соловьева Мария Андреевна 518 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
171 Солонцов Игорь Константинович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
173 Спицына Екатерина Викторовна 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
174 Спицын Никита Александрович 507 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
175 Стапран Алина Руслановна 503 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
176 Староверова Анастасия Владимировна 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
177 Степанова Анна Владимировна 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
178 Степанов Андрей Александрович 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
179 Строганов Николай Алексеевич 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
180 Субач Максим Федорович 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
181 Сулейманов Хаким Алишерович 507 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
182 Султангалеева Адия Ербулатовна 1 курс магистратуры Хим технология Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
183 Суров Иван Игоревич 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
184 Сухорукова Полина Константиновна 517 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
185 Сюй Жуйчэнь Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
186 Талипова Ильсина Ирековна 503 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
187 Талипова Ильсина Ирековна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
188 Татрокова Полина Хасанбиевна 1 курс магистратуры, химическая технология Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
189 Тимашев Владимир Игоревич 517 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
190 Тимичев Арсений Александрович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
191 Титов Егор Александрович 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
192 Тихонова Дарья Сергеевна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
193 Тришкин Глеб Николаевич 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
194 Трубачев Андрей Дмитриевич 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
195 Трухина Ольга Дмитриевна Магистр 1 курса Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
196 Трясцина Анастасия Сергеевна 507 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
197 Тужаров Егор Игоревич 515 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
198 Тютин Илья Алексеевич 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
199 Удалых Михаил Олегович 507 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
200 Устюжанин Александр Олегович 503 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
201 Ушакова Карина Алексеевна 506 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
202 Филатов Дмитрий Михайлович 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
203 Филиппова Анастасия Викторовна 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
204 Филиппова Мария Сергеевна 1 год магистратуры Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
205 Хайбрахманов Артур Ильнурович 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
206 Халыков Руслан Али Р?скандер оглы 105м Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
207 Харитонова Лидия Денисовна 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
208 Харовская Мария Игоревна 516 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
209 Хисамов Марат Мансурович 517 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
210 Хитров Михаил Дмитриевич 517 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
211 Хромова Ирина Антоновна 503 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
212 Хромова Р?рина Антоновна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
213 Чадин Артём Артёмович 517 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
214 Часовских Артем Александрович 516 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
215 Чендарев Анатолий Иванович 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
216 Черемных Мария Александровна 520 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
217 Черепанова Юлия Максимовна 518 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
218 Чермашенцев Григорий Романович 503 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
219 Чернов Вячеслав Евгеньевич 510 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
220 Чернов Даниил Димович 506 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
221 Чэнь Цзюньян ВМС Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
222 Шабуев Ахмед Нажмудинович 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
223 Шалыбкова Анна Андреевна 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
224 Шарапова Олеся Евгеньевна 503 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
225 Шарковская Ксения Игоревна 505 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
226 Шаульская Мария Денисовна 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
227 Ширабон Очир Аюрович 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
228 Шишковская Ксения Игоревна 515 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
229 Школяр Владимир Юрьевич 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
230 Шматова Анна Павловна 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
231 Шокова Мария Андреевна 511 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
232 Щербакова Елизавета Романовна Магистр 1 год Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
233 Яблонский Максим Денисович 514 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
234 Якименко Алиса Вадимовна 503 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
235 Якимов Иван Дмитриевич 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
236 Якушкина Юлия Викторовна 504 Development of new drugs: legal and economic aspects
237 Ян Шусюн ВМС Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
238 Ярышев Владислав Юрьевич 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis

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