Семинар "Перспективные наноматериалы"

Structure/microstructure and their interplay in nanomaterials and layered systems
Matteo Leoni
Assistant Professor in nanomaterials at the
Metallurgy and Microstructures lab, University of Trento
15 декабря 2010 года в 15.00
в аудитории 446 Химического факультета МГУ
Microstructure deeply
influences the properties and thus the functionality of a material. In an X-ray
diffraction pattern, the microstructure information is usually extracted from
the breadth and shape of line profiles. Odd profile shapes, deeply anisotropic
line profile broadening and extra features are present in the pattern and can
witness an intimate interplay between structural and microstructural features. The
Whole Powder Pattern Method and the DIFFaX+ approaches can be used to extract microstructure
and structure/microstructure information from traditional, layered and modular
structures presenting some local or global reduction of the lattice symmetry
due to the presence of defects. Basics and examples of both methods will be
shown and commented.
Matteo Leoni Rovereto (TN, Italy), 30/12/1970
Current position
Assistant Professor in nanomaterials at the
Metallurgy and Microstructures lab, University of Trento - Faculty of
Engineering - Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies
Academic career
· assistant professor
c/o University of Trento, Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial
Technologies (I), from 2001;
· post-doc c/o University of Trento, Department of Materials Engineering and Industrial Technologies (I),
· post-doc c/o Max-Planck
Institut für Metallforschung - Abteilung Mittemeijer, Stuttgart (D),
· PhD in Materials
Engineering (dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria dei Materiali, University of
Roma "Tor Vergata"), with a curriculum in surface engineering, 1999;
· Research contractor
in the Microstructure/XRD lab at the University of Trento (1995);
· entitled to exercise
the profession of Engineer after State examination hold in 1995;
· graduated in
Ingegneria dei Materiali (Materials Engineering) with full votes (110/110 cum
laude) at the University of Trento (TN, Italy), with a thesis on
"Determinazione sperimentale degli stress residui in rivestimenti ceramici"
(Experimental determination of residual stresses in ceramic coatings) in
· undergraduated at the
Istituto Tecnico Industriale (Technical-Industrial Institute) "G. Marconi" of
Rovereto (TN, Italy) in "Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni progetto AMBRA"
(Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer science, experimental project
AMBRA) with full votes (60/60);
Main teaching activity
· invited professor:
Université du Maine - Le Mans (F), 2007 and 2008; teaching basic and
advanced X-ray diffraction for the analysis of materials
· invited professor:
ENSAM Metz / Aix en Provence (F), 2004; teaching of micromechanics and
advanced X-ray diffraction
· chair of the course
"Nanostructured Materials", University of Trento, Laurea Magistralis in
Materials Engineering, since 2006;
· professor at the International
School of Doctoral Studies in Materials Science and Engineering (courses of
Mechanics of Materials and Nanomaterials, both of them held yearly),
University of Trento, since 2002;
· teaching activity in
the courses of "Scienza dei Materiali VO", "Scienza dei Materiali I", "Scienza
dei Materiali II" (Materials science, three different courses, various
levels), University of Trento, since 2001;
· professor for the
course of "Analisi Matematica II" (Advanced mathematics course), University of Trento, academic year 2000/2001;
· teaching at several international
schools and workshops on the use of X-ray diffraction for materials analysis;
· teacher at various
courses on computer hardware/software, basic and advanced C, C++, Delphi, Pascal, Assembler (x86 and Z80) language programming for local private companies,
since 1993;
Mario Nardelli" of the AIC (Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia) in
2010. The citation for the prize was 'Per i suoi contributi originali allo
studio delle microstrutture in vari tipi di materiali condotte con metodi di
diffrazione di polveri nano cristalline e allo sviluppo di tali metodologie'
Powder Diffraction Committee (EPDIC) Award 2002. The citation for the prize
was for 'outstanding scientific contribution in the field of powder diffraction'
(National Institute for Electrical Energy, national supplier of electric
power) award 1998: national winner;
Current language skills
Italian: mother tongue; English: fluent; French: fluent;
German: good; Spanish: elementary
Member of the International X-ray Analytical
Society (IXAS), European Crystallographic Association (ECA), Associazione
Italiana di Cristallografia (AIC), British Crystallographic Association (BCA),
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie, International Center for
Diffraction Data (ICDD).
European Technical Co-chair, Fellow and Grant in
Aid committee chair of the ICDD.
Referee for international Journals in the field
of applied crystallography and materials science/engineering among which: Journal
of Applied Crystallography, Acta Crystallographica, Powder Diffraction,
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Thin Solid Films, Surface and Coatings
Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Journal of the American
Ceramic Society, Journal of Applied Physics, Geotechnique, European Journal
of Mineralogy, Nature, Electrochemistry Communications, Journal of Nuclear
Materials, Materials Chemistry and Physics.
scientific interests
and experience
Powder diffraction; experience
with traditional techniques (Bragg-Brentano and Parallel Beam diffraction,
Grazing Incidence Diffraction, Surface diffraction (Crystal Truncation Rods
measurements), Reflectometry, Texture and Residual Stress analysis) and
non-traditional ones (neutron diffraction, synchrotron radiation diffraction
in traditional and grazing geometry, development of new techniques for the
measurement of through-thickness stress fields by diffraction and by
combination of destructive and non-destructive techniques). Development of
new micromechanical models compatible with the microstructure of the material
for residual stress measurement in thin films and bulk specimens.
Applied X-ray diffraction:
activity in pattern modeling (Rietveld and Rietveld-related methods, new
methodologies of full pattern analysis, namely Whole Powder Pattern Fitting
and Whole Powder Pattern Modeling), Line Profile Analysis (both traditional
and new methods) and relative non-structural applications of Rietveld
analysis (LPA embedded in the Rietveld code). Quantitative phase analysis and
tentative structure solution of complex amorphous/semicrystalline magnetic
metallic glasses and small structures (<200 atoms). Development and
evaluation of new line-profile standards for powder diffraction (KCl, LaB6).
Development of a new algorithm and the corresponding code for the modeling of
surface relaxation phenomena occurring in nanometer-sized powders within a
full diffraction pattern approach.
Instrument development:
hardware, electronics and software project of a 4 point bending tool for in
situ direct measurement of X-ray elastic constants in small test-samples
for a Philips X'Pert MRD diffractometer. Project of a reaction chamber for in
situ study of surface reactions (both by reflectometry, diffraction and
CTR scan) to be mainly used on synchrotron radiation facilities.
Computer-assisted diffraction
analysis and Computational Materials Science: development of a computer
program for the analysis of multilayer structures (especially substrate-film,
substrate-oxide, substrate-intermixed layer-film-passivating oxide and
similar structures). Development of a code for full pattern analysis of
materials microstructure (implementing the WPPF, WPPM and surface relaxation
models recently developed, cf. list of recent publications). Development of
the DIFFaX+ code for the refinement of faulted layered structures (e.g.
minerals, clays, etc.) and modular materials. Development of routines for
fast calculation of atom-atom correlations (Pair Distribution Function) for
calculation via Debye method.
Materials/nanomaterials: ball milling and its
effects on defectivity of metals and oxides. Nano-sized materials for power
production and storage (lithium-based batteries, zirconia/ceria for SOFCs,
copper oxides for solar cells). Materials for electro- and photo-catalysis:
nano-sized platinum crystals and multiple-doped TiO2.Surface
reactivity of minerals and nano-sized powders. Structural/ microstructural
analysis of nano-sized powders (synthetic nano-chrysotile from hydrothermal
synthesis, ceramic sol-gel powders & quantum dots, nanostructured metals,
nanostructured grains
produced from amorphous
metals). Novel low cost/high performance bioactive scaffolds from fossils.
thermal barrier coatings (e.g. stabilized zirconia). Hard protective films (diamond, carbides, nitrides).
Films for solid-state gas sensors (e.g. SnO2, TiO2).
Production and characterization of RF magnetron sputtered thin films for wear
protection, microelectronics etc.
Major current research topics
· Correlation between
structure, microstructure, properties and application in nanostructured and
layered (modular) materials
· Development of new
models for microstructural analysis of nanostructured materials from powder
diffraction data based on micromechanics and on a description of layer faults
in terms of an interference function.
· Development of the
PM2K code for Whole Powder Pattern Modeling (WPPM) and of the DIFFaX+ code
for the refinement of faulted, modular and <3D periodic structures;
· Development of
copper-based materials and inks for low-cost solar energy conversion;
· Novel stabilized
Grätzel cells based on modified clays;
· Novel materials based
on poly-substituted titania and tailored microstructure for electro and
· Matching between
computational Materials Science and X-ray diffraction measurements:
investigation of inconsistencies and development of novel fast algorithms;
· Development and in
situ (on leaf) evaluation of the performance of nanostructured
· Novel anti-hail
agents based on nanostructured mixed iodide formulations;
· Diffraction studies
of the structure/microstructure of novel biomedical materials based on
fibroin and collagen;
· Radioactive
nano-ferrites for cancer therapy;
· Diffractometric
studies of the relationships between structure/ microstructure and the
macroscopic behavior of thin films and thick coatings;
· Surface reactivity of
sol-gel nano-sized powders subjected to extensive ball milling and its
effects on powder solubility;
· In situ mesoscopic (ESEM
study) and microscopic (X-ray diffraction) analysis of microstructure and its
evolution in natural and functionalized materials and cements;
More than 100 publications in
International peer reviewed journals.
More than 100 participations to
national and international conferences
Scores (ISI web of science)
h-index: 19
Total number of citations: >
Average citation per article: >