Mn и его соединения
Список литературы по элементу Mn
[1886THO] |
Thomsen J. -"Thermochemische Untersuchungen." Thermochemische Untersuchungen.Leipzig: Verlag von J.A. Barth,1882-1886,1886 |
[19AMI] |
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[25MAI] |
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[26JEL/ULO] |
Jellinek K.,Uloth R. -"Uber die Chlortensionen von Metall-chloriden und die chemischen Konstanten des Chlores." Z. phys. Chem.,1926,119,S.161-200 |
[27MEC/GUI] |
Mecke R.,Guillery M. - Physik. Z.,1927,28,p.514 |
[28JEL/RUD] |
Jellinek K.,Rudat A. -"Uber die Fluortensionen von Metallfluoriden und die chemischen konstanten von Fluor und Fluorwasserstoff." Z. anorg. und allgem. Chem.,1928, 175,No.4,S.281-320 |
[28MIL2] |
Millar R.W. -"The specific heats at low temperatures of MnO, Mn3O4, MnO2." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1928,50,No.7,p. 1875-1883 |
[29DEV/GUZ] |
Devoto G.,Guzzi A. -"Free energy of formation in used salts. Halides of manganese, cobalt and iron." Gazz. Chim. ital.,1929,59,p.591-600 |
[29FER/GIO2] |
Ferrari A.,Giorgi F. -"La struttura cristallina die MnI2." Atti Acad. naz. Lincei. Mem. Cl. sci. fis., mat. e natur, 1929,10,p.522-527 |
[29FER/GIO] |
Ferrari A.,Giorgi F. -"La struttura cristallina dei bromuri di metalli bivalenti." Atti Accad. nazl. Lincei: Classe sci.pis.,mat.e natur.,1929,9,№10, p.1134-1140 |
[29JEL/KOO] |
Jellinek K.,Koop R. -"Uber heterogene Gleichgewichte von Metallhalogeniden mit Wasserstoff bzw. Chlorwasserstoff." Z. phys. Chem. (Leipzig).,1929,145,No.5,S.305-329 |
[29JEL/RUD] |
Jellinek K.,Rudat A. - Z. phys. Chem.,1929,A143,p.244-264 |
[31AND] |
Anderson C.T. -"The Heat Capacities at Low Temperatures of Manganese Sulfide,Ferrous Sulfide and Calcium Sulfide." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1931,53,p.476-483 |
[33AOY/OKA] |
Aoyama S.,Oka Y. - Sci. Repts. Tohoku Univ.,1933,122,p.824-834 |
[34BAU/BRU] |
Baur E.,Brunner R. -"Dampfdruckmessungen an hochsiedenden Metallen." Helv. Chim. Acta,1934,17,p.958-969 |
[34SEN] |
Sen Gupta A.K. - Z. Phys.,1934,91,S.471 |
[36BIL/WIE] |
Biltz W.,Wiechmann F. - Z. anorg. und allgem. Chem.,1936,228,p.268-274 |
[36HEI] |
Heimer T. -"Das Bandenspektrum von MnH." Naturwissenschaften,1936,24,S.521-522 |
[37SIM] |
Simon A. - "Beitrage zur kentnis von hydrogelen. XIII. Ueber das system manganooxyd/wasser." Z. anorg. und allgem. Chem.,1937,232,No.4,p.369-381 |
[37ТРА/МИЛ] |
Трапезникова О.Н.,Милютин Г.А. -"Теплоемкость безводного MnCl2." Ж. эксп. теор. физики,1937,7,с.217-220 |
[38PEA/GAY] |
Pearse R.W.B.,Gaydon A.G. -"The spectrum of manganese hydride, MnH." Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),1938,50,p. 201-206 |
[39KEL] |
Kelley K.K. -"The specific heats at low temperatures of manganese, manganous selenide and manganeus telluride." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1939,61,p.203-207 |
[39KON/BIL] |
Konneker A.,Biltz W. -"Die bildungswaerme von gruenem mangansulfid und manganchlourid." Z. anorg. und allgem. Chem.,1939,242,p.225-228 |
[39MES] |
Mesnage M.P. -"Recherches sur les decharges de haute frequence et leur application a la spectroscopie moleculaire." Ann. Phys. (Paris),1939,12,p.5 |
[39ROC/OLS] |
Rochester G.D.,Olsson E. -"Das Bandenspektrum des MnF." Z. Phys.,1939,114,S.495-499 |
[39SIE] |
Siemonsen H. -"Neubestimmung der bildungswaermen der manganoxyde." Z. Electrochem., 1939,45,No.8,p.637 |
[39КАП/КОР] |
Капустинский А.Ф.,Коршунов И.А. - "Теплота образования сульфида марганца" Ж. физ.химии,1939,13,с. 278-280 |
[41FOX/SWI] |
Fox R.K.,Swinehart D.F.,Garrett A.B. -"The equilibria of manganese hydroxide, Mn(OH)2, in solutions of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1941,63,No.7,p. 1779-1782 |
[42NAE] |
Naesaenen R. - "Die potentiometrische Bestimmung des Loslichkeitproduktes von Manganhydroxyd." Z. phys. Chem., 1942,191,p.54-64 |
[42NEV] |
Nevin T.E. -"The band spectrum of manganese hydride, MnH. I.-Structure of the ? 5677 and ? 6237 bands." Proc. R. Ir. Acad.,1942,A48,p.1-42 |
[42SOU/MOO] |
Southard J.C.,Moore G.E. -"High-temperature heat content of Mn3O4, MnSiO3 and Mn3C." J. Amer. Ceram. Soc.,1942,64,p. 1769-1770 |
[42SOU/SHO] |
Southard J.C.,Shomate C.H. -"Heat of formation and high-temperature heat content of manganous oxide and manganous sulfate. High-temperature heat-comtent of manganese." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1942,64,No.8,p.1770-1774 |
[42STO/ADA] |
Stout J.W.,Adams K.E. -"Magnetism and the third law of thermodynamics. The heat capacity of manganous fluoride from 13 to 320 K." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1942,64,p.1535-1538 |
[43KEL/MOO] |
Kelley K.K.,Moore G.E. -"Specific heats at low temperatures of manganese carbide and manganese dioxide." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1943,65,No.5,p.782-785 |
[43MOO] |
Moore G.E. -"Heat content of manganese dioxide and carbonate at high temperatures." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1943, 65,p.1398-1399 |
[43MUL] |
Muller W. -"Terme hoher Maltiplizitat in Molekulspektren." Helv. Phys. Acta,1943,16,S.3-32 |
[43SHO] |
Shomate C.H. -"Heats of formation of manganomanganic oxide and manganese dioxide." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1943,65,p.785-790 |
[45NAY] |
Naylor B.F. -"The heat content of manganese at high temperatures." J. Chem. Phys.,1945,13,No.8,p.329-332 |
[45NEV] |
Nevin T.E. - Proc. R. Ir. Acad.,1945,A50,p.123 |
[45SHO] |
Shomate C.H. -"Low temperature specific heats of alpha-manganese and gamma-manganese." J. Chem. Phys.,1945, 13,No.8,p.326-328 |
[46GUG] |
Guggenheimer K.M. - Proc. Phys. Soc. A,1946,58, p.456 |
[47BAC/MIE] |
Bacher J.,Miescher E. -"Komplexspektren der Manganhalogenide." Helv. Phys. Acta,1947,20,S.245-247 |
[48BAC] |
Bacher J. -"Komplexspektren zweiatomiger Manganhalogenide." Helv. Phys. Acta,1948,21,S.379-402 |
[48NEV/DOY] |
Nevin T.E.,Doyle P.J. -"The band spectrum of manganese hydride, MnH. III.-Structure of the ? 5207 band." Proc. R. Ir. Acad.,1948,A52,p.35-50 |
[49ARM/GRA] |
Armstrong L.D.,Grayson-Smith H. -"Specific heats of manganese and bismuth at liquid hydrogen temperatures." Can. J. Research,A,1949,27,No.2,p.9-16 |
[49RAO2] |
Rao P.T. -"Emission spectra of the manganese halides." Indian J. Phys.,1949,23,p.517-524 |
[49RAO] |
Rao P.T. -"Emission spectra of the diatomic halides of manganese. Part I - MnCl." Indian J. Phys., 1949, 23,p. 301-308 |
[50ARM/GRA] |
Armstrong L.D., Grayson-Smith H. -"High temperature calorimetry. II. Atomic heats of chromium, manganese and cobalt between 0 and 800 C." Can. J. Research, A, 1950, A28,No.1,p. 51-59 |
[50COU] |
Coughlin J.P. -"High-temperature heat contents of manganous sulfide, ferrous sulfide and pyrite." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1950,72,p.5445-5447 |
[50GRI/STO] |
Griffel M.,Stout J.W. -"Preparation of single crystals of MnF2.The crystal structure from X-ray diffraction. The melting point and density." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1950,72,No. 10,p.43513-4353 |
[51TOD/BON] |
Todd S.S.,Bonnickson K.R. -"Low-Temperature Heat Capacities and Entropies at 298.16K of Ferrous Oxide, Manganous Oxide and Vanadium Monoxide." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1951,73,p.3894-3895 |
[52NEV/CON] |
Nevin T.E.,Conway M.,Cranley M. -"The Rotational Analysis of the (0,0) and (0-1) Bands of the 7?-7? System of Manganese Deuteride." Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),1952,A65, p.115-124 |
[53GLE/SCH] |
Glemser O.,Schroder H. -"Uber Manganoxyde.II.Zur Kenntnis des Mangan(VII)-oxydes." Z. anorg. und allgem. Chem.,1953, 271,No.5-6,p.293-304 |
[53NEV/STE] |
Nevin T.E.,Stephens D.V. -"New observations on the band spectra of MnH and MnD." Proc. R. Ir. Acad.,1953,A55,p.109-116 |
[54JAV/ENG] |
Javan A.,Engelbrecht A. -"Microwave absorption spectra of MnO3F and ReO3Cl." Phys. Rev., 1954, 96,No.3,p.649-658 |
[54JEF/RIC] |
Jeffes J.H.E.,Richardson F.D.,Pearson J. - "The Heats of Formation of Manganous Ortho-Silicate and Manganous Sulfide." Trans. Faraday Soc.,1954,50,No.4,p.364- |
[54KIN] |
King E.G. -"Low-temperature heat capacities and entropies at 298 K of manganese sesquioxide and niobium pentooxide." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1954, 76,p.3289-3291 |
[54KUO/PER] |
Kuo K.,Persson L.E. -"A contribution to the constitution of the ternary system Fe-Mn-C." J. Iron and Steel Inst. (London),1954,178,No.part1,p.39-44 |
[54ORR] |
Orr R.L. -"High-temperature heat contents of manganese sesquioxide and vanadium monoxide." J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1954,76,No.3,p.857-858 |
[54ЖУК] |
Жук Н.П., Ж.физ.химии, 1954, т.28, с.1523 |
[54КОС] |
Кострюкова М.О. -"Исследование температурной зависимости магнитной восприимчивости хлористого марганца ниже 4.2 К." Ж. эксп. теор. физики,1954,27,No.5,с.655-656 |
[55BOO/HOA] |
Booth G.L.,Hoare F.E.,Murphy B.T. -"The low temperature (11-20K) specific heat of alfa-and beta-manganese." Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),B,1955,68,No.11,p.830-832 |
[55HAY/NEV2] |
Hayes W.,Nevin T.E. -"The band spectra of the manganese halides in the protographic infra-red." Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis.,1955,2,p.734-741 |
[55HAY/NEV3] |
Hayes W.,Nevin T.E. -"The spectrum of MnCl and MnBr in the near ultraviolet." Proc. R. Ir. Acad.,1955,A57,p.15-30 |
[55HAY/NEV] |
Hayes W.,Nevin T.E. -"New band systems of MnF and MnBr in the red." Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 1955, A68,p.665-669 |
[55HAY2] |
Hayes W. -"The spectrum of MnBr in the photographic infrared." Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),1955,A68,p.670-674 |
[55HAY] |
Hayes W. -"The spectra of the manganese halides in the blue-green" Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),1955,A68,p.1097-1106 |
[55KAT/MAR] |
Katz T.J.,Margrave J.L. -"Free energy functions for gaseus atoms for hydrogen (z=1) to niobium." J. Chem. Phys.,1955, 23,p.983 |
[55MUR] |
Murray R.B. -"Magnetic and thermal properties of MnCl2 at liquid helium temperatures." Phys. Rev. Lett.,1955,100,p. 1071-1074 |
[55РЫС/ВИТ] |
Рысс И.Г.,Витухновская Б.С. -"О гидратации и растворимости фористого марганца." Ж. общ. химии,1955,25,No.4,с.643-647 |
[57HAY/MCC] |
Hayes W.,McCarvill P.D.,Nevin T.E. -"The structure of the X7? state of MnH and MnD." Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 1957,A70,p.904-905 |
[57HEP/JAC] |
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[57KOL/GIL] |
Kolsky H.G.,Gilmer R.M. -"Free energy functions for 54 gaseous elements." J. Chem. Phys.,1957,27,p.494-495 |
[57MCC/HUD] |
McCabe C.L.,Hudson R.G.J. -"Free energy of vaporization of Mn7C3 from vapor-pressure measurements." Trans. AIME,1957, 209,p.17-19 |
[57PIC/FLA2] |
Picon M.,Flahant J. - C. r. Acad. sci., 1957, 245, No.5, p.534-537 |
[57PIC/FLA] |
Picon M.,Flahant J. - C. r. Acad. sci., 1957, 245, No.1, p.62-64 |
[57SCH/SCH] |
Schenck H.,Schmahl N.G.,Biswas A.K. -"Untersuchungen uber das zustands-schaubild Eisen (II)-oxyd-Mangan(II)-oxyd und scine Beziehung zus. Desoxydation von reinem Eisen mit Mangan." Arch. Eisenhuttenw, 1957, 28, No.9,S.517-521 |
[58ЛЮБ/ГРА] |
Любимов А.П.,Грановская А.А.,Беренштейн Л.Е. - Ж. физ. химии,1958,32,с.1951 |
[59DAS] |
Das Sarma J.M. -"Band spectrum of manganese oxide (MnO)." Z. Phys.,1959,157,p.98-105 |
[59KLI/ROY] |
Klingsberg C.,Roy R. - "Stability and interconvertibility of phases in the system Mn-O-H." Amer. Miner.,1959,44,p. 819-838 |
[59KOE/COU] |
Koehler M.F.,Coughlin J.P. -"Heats of formation of ferrous chloride, ferric chloride and manganous chloride." J. Phys. Chem.,1959,63,No.4,p.605-608 |
[59NAS/ELL] |
Nastings J.W., Elliott N., Gorliss L.M., Phys.Rev., 1959, v.115, p.13-17 |
[59PAD/SUG] |
Padley P.F.,Sugden T.M. - Trans. Faraday Soc.,1959,55,No.12,p.2054-2061 |
[59SCH/FRI] |
Schoonmaker R.C.,Friedman A.H.,Porter R.F. - J. Chem. Phys.,1959,31,No.6,p.1586-1589 |
[60CAL/NOR] |
Callear,Norris - Proc. Roy. Soc. London,A,1960, 259, p.394 |
[60GRE/POL] |
Green J.W.,Poland D.E.,Margrave J.I. - J. Chem. Phys.,1960,33,p.35 |
[61BUL/PHI] |
Bulewicz E.M.,Phillips L.S.,Sugden T.M. - Trans. Faraday Soc.,1961,57,p.921-931 |
[61BUT/MCC] |
Butler J.F.,McCabe C.L.,Paxton H.W. -"Thermodynamics activities in the Fe-Mn-C system." Trans. AIME,1961,221,p. 479-484 |
[61FIS/FLE] |
Fischer W.A.,Fleischer H.J. -"Die Manganverteilung zwischen Eisenschmelzen und Eisen (II) - oxydschlacken im MnO - Tiegel bei 1520 bis 1770 C." Arch. Eisenhuttenw., 1961,32,No.1,p.1-10 |
[61ДРО] |
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[62CAT/PHI] |
Catalano E.,Phillips N.E. -"The low-temperature heat capacities of antiferromagnetic MnF2 and CoF2." J. Phys. Soc. Japan (Suppl. B-1),1962,17,No3,p.527-529 |
[62CHI/STO] |
Chisholm R.C.,Stout J.W. -"Heat capacity and entropy of CoCl2 and MnCl2 from 11 to 300K. Thermal anomaly associated with antiferromagnetic ordering in CoCl2." J. Chem. Phys.,1962,36,No.4,p.972-979 |
[62COL/GOL] |
Colin E.,Goldfinger P.,Jeunehomme M. - "Existence of Gaseous Sulphides of the Transition Elements: Dissociation Energy of Gaseous MnS." Nature,1962,194,p.282-283 |
[62FER/OLE] |
Ferrier A.,Olette M. -"The Heat capacity of iron between 910 and 1937 C." Compn.Rend., 1962, 254, p.2322-2324 |
[62JOS] |
Joshi K.C. -"Flame spectrum of MnO molecule in the visible region." Spectrochim. Acta,1962,18,p.625-629 |
[62LER/JAM] |
Leroi G.E.,James T.C.,Hougen J.T.,Klemperer W. -"Infrared spectra of gaseous transition-metal dihalides." J. Chem. Phys.,1962,36,No.6,p.2879-2883 |
[62MUR] |
Murray R.B. -"Specific heat of single-crystal MnCl2 in applied magnetic fields." Phys. Rev. Lett.,1962,128,p. 1570-1574 |
[62RAO/RED2] |
Rao,Reddy,Rao - Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),1962,79,p.741 |
[63BAU/MAR] |
Bautista R. G.,Margrave J. L. -" A Langmuir measurement of the sublimation pressure of manganese(II) fluoride." J. Phys. Chem.,1963,63,No.7,p.1564-1565 |
[63BRE/SOM] |
Brewer L., Somayajulu G.R., Brackett E. -"Thermodynamic properties of gaseous metal dihalides." Chem. Rev.,1963,63, p.111-121 |
[63DAC] |
Dachs H. -"Neutrone und Rontgenuntersuchungen am Manganit, MnOOH." Z. Kristallogr.,1963,118,No.3-4,p.303-326 |
[63FER/BRA] |
Ferrari A.,Braibanti A.,Bigliardi G. -"Refinement of crystal structure of NiCl2 and of unit-cell parameters of some anhydrous chlorides of divalent metals." Acta Crystallogr.,1963,16,No.8,p.846-847 |
[63GOK/FUJ] |
Gokcen N.A.,Fujishiro S. -"Thermodynamic properties of Mn7C3." Trans. AIEME,1963,227,No.2,p.542-544 |
[63HAD/STO] |
Hadley W.B.,Stout J.W. -"Heat capacity of MnBr2 between 1.7 and 20 K. Magnetic ordering MnBr2." J. Chem. Phys.,1963, 39,No.9,p.2205-2210 |
[63PET/WIL] |
Peters B.F.,Wiles D.R. -"A vapor pressure study of the alloys of manganese with copper." Can. J. Chem.,1963,41,No. 10,p.2591-2599 |
[63ROE/GLE] |
Roesky H.W.,Glemser O. -"Neue Darstellung von Mangantetrafluorid." Angew. Chem., 1963, 75, No.19, p.920-921 |
[63БЕР/КОВ] |
Берг Л.Г.,Ковырзина В.П. - "О термодинамике диссоциации гидратов закисей железа и марганца." Ж. неорг. химии,1963, 8, No.9, с.2041-2045 |
[63МОР/НОВ] |
Морозов А.Н.,Новожатский И.А. -"Восстановление закиси марганца водородом." Изв. АН СССР. Металлургия., 1963, No.5, с.18-22 |
[64ADA/KIN] |
Adami L.H.,King E.G. - "Heats and free energies of formation of sulfides of manganese,iron,zinc and cadmium." U. S. Bur. Mines, Rept. Invest., 1964, No.6495,p.1-10 |
[64BOU/FRU] |
Bouchaud J.-P.,Fruchart R. -"Contribution a la connaissane du diagramme manganese-carbone." Bull. Soc. Chim. France, 1964,258,No.13,p.3495-3496 |
[64BUC/STA] |
Buchler A.,Stauffer J.L.,Klemperer W. -"Geometry of the transition-metal dihalides:the fluorides of Mn,Co,Ni,Cu and Zn." J. Chem. Phys., 1964, 40, No.12,p.3471-3474 |
[64BUT/GIA] |
Butera R.A.,Giauque W.F. -"Heat capacity of MnCl2 from 1.3 to 4.2 K with magnetic fields to 50 kilogauss parallel to the b magnetic axis." J. Chem. Phys.,1964,40,No.8,p. 2379-2389 |
[64FRA/LOS] |
Franzosini P.,Losa C.G. -"Low temperature research. XLIII. Atomic heat of alpha-mangenese and gamma-manganese between 10 and 273 K." Z. Naturforsch., 1964,19a,No.12,p.1348-1353 |
[64HIL/MES] |
Hilsenrath J.,Messina C.G.,Evans W.H. -'Tables of Ideal Gas Thermodynamic Functions for 73 atoms and their first and second ions to 10000K.' , Washington: AD-606163,NBS, 1964 |
[64KEN/EHL] |
Kent R.A.,Ehlert T.C.,Margrave J.L. -"Mass-spectrometric studies at high temperatures. V. The sublimation pressure of manganese (II) fluoride and the dissociation energy of manganese (I) fluoride." J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,1964,86,No.23, p.5090-5093 |
[64NES] |
Nesbet R.K. -"Heisenberg exchange interaction of two Mn atoms." Phys. Rev.,1964,135,No.2A,p.460-465 |
[64PAO/VAC] |
Paoletti P.,Vacca A. -"Thermochemistey of some transition metal tetrachloro complexes." Trans. Faraday Soc.,1964,60, No.493,p.50-55 |
[64SMI/PAX] |
Smith J.H.,Paxton H.W.,McCabe C.L. -"Manganese vapor pressures in equilibrium with manganese-iron -nickel solid solutions." J. Phys. Chem.,1964,68,No.6,p.1345-1354 |
[64WIE] |
Wiedemeier H.Z. -"Der Sattigungsdruck des Mangans." Z. anorg. und allgem. Chem.,1964,326,No.5/6,S.225-229 |
[65EHR/KOK] |
Ehrlich P., Koknat F.W., Seifert H.T. -"Thermochemische messungen an alkalichloromanganaten(II)." Z. anorg. und allgem. Chem.,1965,341,p.281-286 |
[65FUR/KJE] |
Furuseth S., Kjekshus A., Acta Chem.Scand.,1965, v.19, p.1405 |
[65GIA/HOR] |
Giauque W.F.,Hornung E.W.,Fisher R.A.,Brodale G.E. -"Entropy, internal energy, and heat capacity of MnCl2 between 0 and 4.2 K in magnetic fields to 100 kg." J. Chem. Phys.,1965,42,No.3,p.835-851 |
[65GUT/FRI] |
Guthrie G.L.,Friedberg S.A.,Goldman F.E. -"Specific heat of alfa-manganese at liquid-helium temperatures." Phys. Rev.,A.,1965,139,No.4,p.1200-1202 |
[65PAO/SAB] |
Paoletti P.,Sabatini A.,Vacca A. -"Thermochemistry of some transition metal tetra-iodo-complexes and theoretical calculation of the metal-halogen bond energies in the tetrahedral complex amines (ZnX4)2-" Trans. Faraday Soc.,1965,61,p.2417 |
[65PAO] |
Paoletti P. -"Thermochemistry of some transition metall tetrabrome-complexes." Trans. AIME, 1965, 61,No.2,p.219-224 |
[65ROE/GLE] |
Roesky H.W.,Glemser O.,Hellberg K.-H. -"Darstellng von metallfluoriden in der wirbelscicht." Chem. Ber.,1965,98, No.6,p.2046-2048 |
[65SCU/STE] |
Scurlock R.G.,Stevens W.N.R. -"The nuclear specific heat and hyperfine field in alfa-manganese." Proc. Phys. Soc., 1965,86,No.2,p.331-336 |
[65TEA] |
Teaney D.T. -"Specific heat singularity in MnF2." Phys. Rev. Lett.,1965,14,No.22,p.898-900 |
[65WIE/GIL] |
Wiedemeier H.,Gilles P.W. - "Mass-Spectrometric Study of the Sublimation of MnS(s) and the Dissociation Energy of MnS(g)." J. Chem. Phys.,1965,42,No.8,p.2765-2769 |
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