Фамилия |
Имя |
Отчество |
Группа |
Курс |
1 |
Абрамов |
Илья |
Александрович |
106м |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
2 |
Андресюк |
Анастасия |
Алексеевна |
505 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
3 |
Антонова |
София |
Ивановна |
514 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
4 |
Арсентьева |
Елизавета |
Кирилловна |
506 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
5 |
Архипов |
Илья |
Алексеевич |
516 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
6 |
Бабаян-Смит |
Александра Николь |
501 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
7 |
Бай |
Пётр |
Алексеевич |
509 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
8 |
Байтлер |
Максим |
Олегович |
503 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
9 |
Балусова |
Анна |
Ильинична |
505 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
10 |
Бандорин |
Илья |
Сергеевич |
505 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
11 |
Батогова |
Ирина |
Дмитриевна |
515 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
12 |
Батчаева |
Бэла |
Борисовна |
магистр 1го курса |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
13 |
Бахтин |
Алексей |
Тамазивич |
505 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
14 |
Белов |
Василий |
Викторович |
504 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
15 |
Белоглазкина |
Мария |
Александровна |
505 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
16 |
Белоха |
Андрей |
Ильич |
504 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
17 |
Бердоносов |
Василий |
Петрович |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
18 |
Беседовский |
Макар |
Станиславович |
1 курс магистратуры |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
19 |
Бикбаева |
Алина |
Фанисовна |
507 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
20 |
Битанова |
Виктория |
Артемовна |
505 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
21 |
Блинникова |
Дарья |
Андреевна |
ФНМ 501 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
22 |
Богданова |
Александра |
Павловна |
501 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
23 |
Бурьяноватая |
Ксения |
Евгеньевна |
509 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
24 |
Бухарин |
Семен |
Михайлович |
514 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
25 |
Бывшева |
София |
Михайловна |
503 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
26 |
Ванина |
Анжелика |
Ивановна |
519 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
27 |
Ван |
Кан |
Маг 1 курс |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
28 |
Васильева |
Алиса |
Максимовна |
506 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
29 |
Васильев |
Арсений |
Андреевич |
505 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
30 |
Вдовченко |
Никита |
Кириллович |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
31 |
Вдовый |
Татьяна |
Викторовна |
515 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
32 |
Верженюк |
Стефания |
Сергеевна |
513 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
33 |
Викторчук |
Никита |
Александрович |
1 14 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
34 |
Виноградов |
Родион |
Александрович |
519 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
35 |
Вихров |
Александр |
Георгиевич |
503 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
36 |
Власов |
Егор |
Игоревич |
510 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
37 |
Воскресенская |
Алевтина |
Сергеевна |
505 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
38 |
Гайворонский |
Максим |
Алексеевич |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
39 |
Гайнанова |
Светлана |
Ильдаровна |
Магистр 1 г.о. |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
40 |
Гайсин |
Карим |
Шамилевич |
504 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
41 |
Галеева |
Полина |
Салаватовна |
106М |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
42 |
Галкин |
Максим |
Александрович |
502 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
43 |
Гаранина |
Евдокия |
Георгиевна |
507 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
44 |
Генатуллина |
Аделя |
Искандаровна |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
45 |
Гладков |
Антон |
Андреевич |
517 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
46 |
Глебова |
Елизавета |
Владимировна |
501 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
47 |
Головкин |
Александр |
Александрович |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
48 |
Гончаренко |
Александр |
Алексеевич |
507 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
49 |
Гончаров |
Иван |
Александрович |
505 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
50 |
Горошихин |
Георгий |
Ильич |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
51 |
Градова |
Анна |
Валерьевна |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
52 |
Гребенкина |
Анастасия |
Алексеевна |
501 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
53 |
Гребенников |
Николай |
Олегович |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
54 |
Гришин |
Михаил |
Александрович |
521 ВШИБ |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
55 |
Гусманов |
Тимур |
Тагирович |
520 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
56 |
Давыдов |
Федор |
Сергеевич |
501 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
57 |
Данилкин |
Андрей |
Владленович |
ХТ 1 курс |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
58 |
Дзигоева |
Марианна |
Аликовна |
Магистр 1 года |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
59 |
Дзюба |
Максим |
Андреевич |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
60 |
Дмитриенко |
Александр |
Александрович |
517 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
61 |
Додонова |
Ксения |
Александровна |
514 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
62 |
Доминник |
Ева |
Евгеньевна |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
63 |
Досаев |
Владислав |
Андреевич |
501 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
64 |
Дрокин |
Егор |
Александрович |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
65 |
Дудко |
Екатерина |
Михайловна |
1 курс магистратуры |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
66 |
Дун |
Шичжань |
101M |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
67 |
Дяо |
Цзычэн |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
68 |
Егоров |
Александр |
Родионович |
508 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
69 |
Еременко |
Ксения |
Сергеевна |
504 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
70 |
Жандармова |
Вероника |
Игоревна |
513 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
71 |
Жарова |
Анастасия |
Олеговна |
505 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
72 |
Заболотный |
Николай |
Алексеевич |
501 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
73 |
Загорская |
Карина |
Сергеевна |
503 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
74 |
Заикина |
Полина |
Владимировна |
505 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
75 |
Закиров |
Виталий |
Рифкатович |
520 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
76 |
Закиров |
Ренат |
Рамильевич |
507 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
77 |
Захаров |
Максим |
Дмитриевич |
509 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
78 |
Зверева |
Александра |
Михайловна |
503 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
79 |
Злотников |
Игорь |
Дмитриевич |
509 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
80 |
Ивакина |
Ксения |
Владимировна |
503 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
81 |
Иванова |
Елена |
Александровна |
510 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
82 |
Иванов |
Борис |
Максимович |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
83 |
Ильина |
Екатерина |
Вячеславовна |
516 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
84 |
Имаев |
Сергей |
Александрович |
517 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
85 |
Калугин |
Данила |
Алексеевич |
506 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
86 |
Каниболоцкий |
Александр |
Владимирович |
501 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
87 |
Каракин |
Павел |
Александрович |
502 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
88 |
Каракчиева |
Анастасия |
Олеговна |
504 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
89 |
Каракчиева |
Анастасия |
Олеговна |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
90 |
Катаев |
Никита |
Юрьевич |
504 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
91 |
Катина |
Екатерина |
Денисовна |
507 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
92 |
Кешек |
Анна |
Константиновна |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
93 |
Клочкова |
Ксения |
Эдуардовна |
505 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
94 |
Коваленко |
Сергей |
Максимович |
516 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
95 |
Козьменко |
Ярослав |
Вадимович |
506 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
96 |
Колмаков |
Илья |
Геннадьевич |
505 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
97 |
Копытов |
Артем |
Евгеньевич |
505 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
98 |
Копытов |
Сергей |
Олегович |
505 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
99 |
Коринский |
Николай |
Андреевич |
505 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
100 |
Корнилаев |
Димитрий |
Ирекович |
508 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
101 |
Коростелёва |
Елена |
Романовна |
503 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
102 |
Косенко |
Роман |
Александрович |
Магистратура ХТ 1 курс |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
103 |
Котова |
Марина |
Вячеславовна |
506 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
104 |
Криулина |
Валерия |
Дмитриевна |
514 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
105 |
Кручинин |
Тимофей |
Вячеславович |
515 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
106 |
Кудинова |
Екатерина |
Ивановна |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
107 |
Кузнецова |
Александра |
Викторовна |
Магистратура 1й курс |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
108 |
Кулушев |
Артур |
Зинурович |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
109 |
Лапшинов |
Никита |
Эдуардович |
Магистратура, 1 курс |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
110 |
Лебедев |
Дмитрий |
Адреевич |
Магистратура ХТ 1 курс |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
111 |
Леонова |
Микаэлла |
Сергеевна |
515 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
112 |
Леонов |
Антон |
Вячеславович |
517 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
113 |
Лукачева |
София |
Максимовна |
501 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
114 |
Лукьянова |
Татьяна |
Егоровна |
508 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
115 |
Лукьянов |
Петр |
Сергеевич |
515 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
116 |
Лю |
Бопэн |
Маг-1 курс |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
117 |
Люденцан |
Никита |
Александрович |
Магистр 1 г.о. |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
118 |
Лю |
Кай |
Магистратура 1 курс |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
119 |
Макарченко |
Роман |
Константинович |
504 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
120 |
Макеева |
Алина |
Алексеевна |
511 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
121 |
Маликов |
Дмитрий |
Иванович |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
122 |
Маликов |
Таис |
Ренатович |
506 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
123 |
Малышев |
Даниил |
Павлович |
504 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
124 |
Малышкина |
Марина |
Владиславовна |
311 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
125 |
Манелис |
Лев |
Сергеевич |
506 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
126 |
Маркова |
Диана |
Ильинична |
508 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
127 |
Мартиросян |
Лаура |
Ареговна |
521 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
128 |
Маурина |
Евгения |
Андреевна |
507 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
129 |
Мерзляков |
Дмитрий |
Алексеевич |
517 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
130 |
Меснянкина |
Екатерина |
Алексеевна |
512 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
131 |
Мещерякова |
Елизавета |
Андреевна |
517 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
132 |
Мирзаева |
Сабина |
Элмаг-кызы |
508 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
133 |
Михеева |
София |
Романовна |
505 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
134 |
Молохов |
Илья |
Александрович |
Магистратура 1 курс |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
135 |
Моргунова |
Маргарита |
Александровна |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
136 |
Морозов |
Дмитрий |
Алексеевич |
518 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
137 |
Морозов |
Макар |
Павлович |
516 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
138 |
Муртазин |
Лев |
Маратович |
507 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
139 |
Мушников |
Александр |
Викторович |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
140 |
Нажмиддинов |
Масъуд |
Масрурович |
магистр_хт_1курс |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
141 |
Небайкина |
Анастасия |
Евгеньевна |
514 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
142 |
Небайкина |
Анастасия |
Евгеньевна |
514 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
143 |
Неудахина |
Алиса |
Алексеевна |
506 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
144 |
Нечаева |
Алина |
Максимовна |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
145 |
Никифоров |
Дмитрий |
Николаевич |
514 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
146 |
Николаева |
Анастасия |
Владимировна |
520 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
147 |
Новикова |
Вероника |
Алексеевна |
515 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
148 |
Новикова |
Евгения |
Алексеевна |
504 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
149 |
Нуждин |
Иван |
Валерьевич |
505 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
150 |
Ныхрикова |
Екатерина |
Васильевна |
517 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
151 |
Овакимян |
Софья |
Андреевна |
506 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
152 |
овсянников |
михаил |
викторович |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
153 |
Овчаренко |
Иван |
Алексеевич |
505 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
154 |
Оконешников |
Артур |
Алексеевич |
505 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
155 |
Охлопков |
Илья |
Игоревич |
506 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
156 |
Павлова |
Елизавета |
Андреевна |
514 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
157 |
Павлова |
Елизавета |
Андреевна |
514 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
158 |
Панасенко |
Даниил |
Сергеевич |
518 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
159 |
Панфутов |
Олег |
Дмитриевич |
519 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
160 |
Петров |
Кирилл |
Валерьевич |
520 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
161 |
Пец |
Михаил |
Игоревич |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
162 |
Пикулин |
Иван |
Сергеевич |
514 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
163 |
Подкина |
Юлия |
Дмитриевна |
118 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
164 |
Полетаев |
Андрей |
Андреевич |
504 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
165 |
Пономарев |
Никита |
Алексеевич |
501 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
166 |
Попов |
Дмитрий |
Сергеевич |
515 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
167 |
Поругова |
Мария |
Сергеевна |
503 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
168 |
Прошина |
Дарья |
Сергеевна |
501 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
169 |
Пятницев |
Михаил |
Валерьевич |
505 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
170 |
Радзиковицкий |
Павел |
Михайлович |
515 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
171 |
Рассказова |
Мария |
Александровна |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
172 |
Редюк |
Дарья |
Александровна |
118 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
173 |
Резяпова |
Алина |
Игоревна |
Магистратура ХТ 1 курс |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
174 |
Розов |
Тимофей |
Павлович |
515 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
175 |
Ромашин |
Иван |
Алексеевич |
506 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
176 |
Рубцов |
Дмитрий |
Андреевич |
511 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
177 |
Сабиров |
Ильдар |
Рустамович |
521 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
178 |
Сабитова |
Ирина |
Александровна |
501 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
179 |
Савельева |
Ирина |
Антоновна |
505 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
180 |
Савельев |
Дмитрий |
Евгеньевич |
514 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
181 |
Савченко |
Артем |
Гаджарович |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
182 |
Савченкова |
Дайана |
Владимировна |
506 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
183 |
Самушия |
Александр |
Яковлевич |
508 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
184 |
Саратовский |
Никита |
Сергеевич |
503 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
185 |
Сафиканов |
Азамат |
Ахатович |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
186 |
Семыкин |
Артём |
Владленович |
515 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
187 |
Сергиенко |
Аглая |
Владимировна |
515 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
188 |
Сивачев |
Антон |
Александрович |
505 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
189 |
Смирнова |
Наталия |
Владимировна |
506 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
190 |
Смирнов |
Даниил |
Олегович |
505 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
191 |
Соколова |
Светлана |
Витальевна |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
192 |
Солдаткин |
Юрий |
Валерьевич |
515 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
193 |
Сопова |
Нина |
Сергеевна |
511 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
194 |
Старовойтов |
Егор |
Александрович |
521 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
195 |
Стешенко |
Дмитрий |
Александрович |
506 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
196 |
Струнин |
Даниил |
Дмитриевич |
517 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
197 |
Сулаев |
Владимир |
Сергеевич |
519 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
198 |
Сычева |
Ирина |
Евгеньевна |
508 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
199 |
Сюнякова |
Сафия |
Маратовна |
516 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
200 |
Сюрин |
Алексей |
Олегович |
Магистратура 1 курс |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
201 |
Тарасов |
Захар |
Алексеевич |
515 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
202 |
Тверских |
Андрей |
Романович |
506 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
203 |
Терентьев |
Тимур |
Анатольевич |
503 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
204 |
Тетерин |
Юрий |
Александрович |
514 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
205 |
Тимина |
Марина |
Сергеевна |
503 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
206 |
Титенкова |
Ксения |
Юрьевна |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
207 |
Тихонова |
Ольга |
Николаевна |
505 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
208 |
Тихонов |
Тимур |
Павлович |
505 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
209 |
Торопов |
Павел |
Андреевич |
517 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
210 |
Ужуев |
Исламутдин |
Камалутдинович |
515 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
211 |
Федоров |
Тимофей |
Алексеевич |
510 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
212 |
Феоктистов |
Матвей |
Андреевич |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
213 |
Халиуллина |
Дарья |
Руслановна |
514 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
214 |
Хасанов |
Данил |
Салаватович |
503 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
215 |
Хромоин |
Константин |
Александрович |
515 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
216 |
Царев |
Антон |
Андреевич |
519 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
217 |
Царькова |
Юлия |
Игоревна |
506 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
218 |
Чайка |
Илья |
Дмитриевич |
518 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
219 |
Чачин |
Павел |
Алексеевич |
508 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
220 |
Чересленко |
Евгения |
Олеговна |
514 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
221 |
Чернышов |
Даниил |
Александрович |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
222 |
Черняк |
Дмитрий |
Михайлович |
505 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
223 |
Черткова |
Виктория |
Павловна |
518 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
224 |
Чжуан |
Жуйшань |
Маг |
Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis |
225 |
Чиобану |
Елизавета |
Сергеевна |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
226 |
Чистяков |
Григорий |
Дмитриевич |
505 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
227 |
Чичулин |
Степан |
Николаевич |
517 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
228 |
Чэнь |
Чжо |
маг-1 курс |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
229 |
Чэнь |
Чжэнсюй |
110м |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
230 |
Шафранов |
Марк |
Андреевич |
510 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
231 |
Шашков |
Михаил |
Максимович |
505 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
232 |
Шевцова |
Ольга |
Александровна |
504 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
233 |
Шевченко |
Анна |
Сергеевна |
503 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
234 |
Шестаков |
Кирилл |
Денисович |
520 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
235 |
Шехтман |
Софья |
Павловна |
504 |
Promises and problems of Life Sciences |
236 |
Шигапов |
Эмиль |
Альбертович |
503 |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |
237 |
Шлыков |
Иван |
Владимирович |
517 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
238 |
Шмычков |
Назар |
Васильевич |
506 |
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice |
239 |
Шпольвинд |
Никита |
Алексеевич |
506 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
240 |
Шугаев |
Иоанн |
Ильич |
507 |
States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts |
241 |
Шумский |
Глеб |
Константинович |
517 |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
242 |
Эльзессер |
Владислав |
Дмитриевич |
507 |
Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials |
243 |
Юн |
Эрик |
Артёмович |
Магистры 1 курс |
Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials |
244 |
Юрина |
Екатерина |
Сергеевна |
1 курс магистратуры |
Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects |