Химический факультет МГУ

Избранные главы химии
(курсы по выбору на английском языке)

Список студентов, записавшихся на курсы по выбору

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  Фамилия Имя Отчество Группа Курс
1 Абрамов Илья Александрович 106м Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
2 Андресюк Анастасия Алексеевна 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
3 Антонова София Ивановна 514 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
4 Арсентьева Елизавета Кирилловна 506 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
5 Архипов Илья Алексеевич 516 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
6 Бабаян-Смит Александра Николь 501 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
7 Бай Пётр Алексеевич 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
8 Байтлер Максим Олегович 503 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
9 Балусова Анна Ильинична 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
10 Бандорин Илья Сергеевич 505 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
11 Батогова Ирина Дмитриевна 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
12 Батчаева Бэла Борисовна магистр 1го курса Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
13 Бахтин Алексей Тамазивич 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
14 Белов Василий Викторович 504 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
15 Белоглазкина Мария Александровна 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
16 Белоха Андрей Ильич 504 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
17 Бердоносов Василий Петрович ХТиНМ Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
18 Беседовский Макар Станиславович 1 курс магистратуры Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
19 Бикбаева Алина Фанисовна 507 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
20 Битанова Виктория Артемовна 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
21 Блинникова Дарья Андреевна ФНМ 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
22 Богданова Александра Павловна 501 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
23 Бурьяноватая Ксения Евгеньевна 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
24 Бухарин Семен Михайлович 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
25 Бывшева София Михайловна 503 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
26 Ванина Анжелика Ивановна 519 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
27 Ван Кан Маг 1 курс Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
28 Васильева Алиса Максимовна 506 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
29 Васильев Арсений Андреевич 505 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
30 Вдовченко Никита Кириллович 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
31 Вдовый Татьяна Викторовна 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
32 Верженюк Стефания Сергеевна 513 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
33 Викторчук Никита Александрович 1 14 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
34 Виноградов Родион Александрович 519 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
35 Вихров Александр Георгиевич 503 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
36 Власов Егор Игоревич 510 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
37 Воскресенская Алевтина Сергеевна 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
38 Гайворонский Максим Алексеевич 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
39 Гайнанова Светлана Ильдаровна Магистр 1 г.о. Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
40 Гайсин Карим Шамилевич 504 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
41 Галеева Полина Салаватовна 106М Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
42 Галкин Максим Александрович 502 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
43 Гаранина Евдокия Георгиевна 507 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
44 Генатуллина Аделя Искандаровна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
45 Гладков Антон Андреевич 517 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
46 Глебова Елизавета Владимировна 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
47 Головкин Александр Александрович 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
48 Гончаренко Александр Алексеевич 507 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
49 Гончаров Иван Александрович 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
50 Горошихин Георгий Ильич 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
51 Градова Анна Валерьевна 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
52 Гребенкина Анастасия Алексеевна 501 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
53 Гребенников Николай Олегович 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
54 Гришин Михаил Александрович 521 ВШИБ Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
55 Гусманов Тимур Тагирович 520 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
56 Давыдов Федор Сергеевич 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
57 Данилкин Андрей Владленович ХТ 1 курс Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
58 Дзигоева Марианна Аликовна Магистр 1 года Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
59 Дзюба Максим Андреевич 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
60 Дмитриенко Александр Александрович 517 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
61 Додонова Ксения Александровна 514 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
62 Доминник Ева Евгеньевна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
63 Досаев Владислав Андреевич 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
64 Дрокин Егор Александрович 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
65 Дудко Екатерина Михайловна 1 курс магистратуры Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
66 Дун Шичжань 101M Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
67 Дяо Цзычэн Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
68 Егоров Александр Родионович 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
69 Еременко Ксения Сергеевна 504 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
70 Жандармова Вероника Игоревна 513 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
71 Жарова Анастасия Олеговна 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
72 Заболотный Николай Алексеевич 501 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
73 Загорская Карина Сергеевна 503 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
74 Заикина Полина Владимировна 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
75 Закиров Виталий Рифкатович 520 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
76 Закиров Ренат Рамильевич 507 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
77 Захаров Максим Дмитриевич 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
78 Зверева Александра Михайловна 503 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
79 Злотников Игорь Дмитриевич 509 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
80 Ивакина Ксения Владимировна 503 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
81 Иванова Елена Александровна 510 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
82 Иванов Борис Максимович 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
83 Ильина Екатерина Вячеславовна 516 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
84 Имаев Сергей Александрович 517 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
85 Калугин Данила Алексеевич 506 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
86 Каниболоцкий Александр Владимирович 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
87 Каракин Павел Александрович 502 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
88 Каракчиева Анастасия Олеговна 504 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
89 Каракчиева Анастасия Олеговна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
90 Катаев Никита Юрьевич 504 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
91 Катина Екатерина Денисовна 507 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
92 Кешек Анна Константиновна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
93 Клочкова Ксения Эдуардовна 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
94 Коваленко Сергей Максимович 516 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
95 Козьменко Ярослав Вадимович 506 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
96 Колмаков Илья Геннадьевич 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
97 Копытов Артем Евгеньевич 505 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
98 Копытов Сергей Олегович 505 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
99 Коринский Николай Андреевич 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
100 Корнилаев Димитрий Ирекович 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
101 Коростелёва Елена Романовна 503 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
102 Косенко Роман Александрович Магистратура ХТ 1 курс Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
103 Котова Марина Вячеславовна 506 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
104 Криулина Валерия Дмитриевна 514 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
105 Кручинин Тимофей Вячеславович 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
106 Кудинова Екатерина Ивановна 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
107 Кузнецова Александра Викторовна Магистратура 1й курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
108 Кулушев Артур Зинурович 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
109 Лапшинов Никита Эдуардович Магистратура, 1 курс Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
110 Лебедев Дмитрий Адреевич Магистратура ХТ 1 курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
111 Леонова Микаэлла Сергеевна 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
112 Леонов Антон Вячеславович 517 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
113 Лукачева София Максимовна 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
114 Лукьянова Татьяна Егоровна 508 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
115 Лукьянов Петр Сергеевич 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
116 Лю Бопэн Маг-1 курс Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
117 Люденцан Никита Александрович Магистр 1 г.о. Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
118 Лю Кай Магистратура 1 курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
119 Макарченко Роман Константинович 504 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
120 Макеева Алина Алексеевна 511 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
121 Маликов Дмитрий Иванович 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
122 Маликов Таис Ренатович 506 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
123 Малышев Даниил Павлович 504 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
124 Малышкина Марина Владиславовна 311 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
125 Манелис Лев Сергеевич 506 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
126 Маркова Диана Ильинична 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
127 Мартиросян Лаура Ареговна 521 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
128 Маурина Евгения Андреевна 507 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
129 Мерзляков Дмитрий Алексеевич 517 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
130 Меснянкина Екатерина Алексеевна 512 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
131 Мещерякова Елизавета Андреевна 517 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
132 Мирзаева Сабина Элмаг-кызы 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
133 Михеева София Романовна 505 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
134 Молохов Илья Александрович Магистратура 1 курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
135 Моргунова Маргарита Александровна 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
136 Морозов Дмитрий Алексеевич 518 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
137 Морозов Макар Павлович 516 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
138 Муртазин Лев Маратович 507 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
139 Мушников Александр Викторович 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
140 Нажмиддинов Масъуд Масрурович магистр_хт_1курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
141 Небайкина Анастасия Евгеньевна 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
142 Небайкина Анастасия Евгеньевна 514 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
143 Неудахина Алиса Алексеевна 506 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
144 Нечаева Алина Максимовна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
145 Никифоров Дмитрий Николаевич 514 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
146 Николаева Анастасия Владимировна 520 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
147 Новикова Вероника Алексеевна 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
148 Новикова Евгения Алексеевна 504 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
149 Нуждин Иван Валерьевич 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
150 Ныхрикова Екатерина Васильевна 517 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
151 Овакимян Софья Андреевна 506 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
152 овсянников михаил викторович 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
153 Овчаренко Иван Алексеевич 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
154 Оконешников Артур Алексеевич 505 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
155 Охлопков Илья Игоревич 506 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
156 Павлова Елизавета Андреевна 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
157 Павлова Елизавета Андреевна 514 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
158 Панасенко Даниил Сергеевич 518 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
159 Панфутов Олег Дмитриевич 519 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
160 Петров Кирилл Валерьевич 520 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
161 Пец Михаил Игоревич 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
162 Пикулин Иван Сергеевич 514 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
163 Подкина Юлия Дмитриевна 118 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
164 Полетаев Андрей Андреевич 504 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
165 Пономарев Никита Алексеевич 501 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
166 Попов Дмитрий Сергеевич 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
167 Поругова Мария Сергеевна 503 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
168 Прошина Дарья Сергеевна 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
169 Пятницев Михаил Валерьевич 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
170 Радзиковицкий Павел Михайлович 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
171 Рассказова Мария Александровна 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
172 Редюк Дарья Александровна 118 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
173 Резяпова Алина Игоревна Магистратура ХТ 1 курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
174 Розов Тимофей Павлович 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
175 Ромашин Иван Алексеевич 506 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
176 Рубцов Дмитрий Андреевич 511 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
177 Сабиров Ильдар Рустамович 521 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
178 Сабитова Ирина Александровна 501 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
179 Савельева Ирина Антоновна 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
180 Савельев Дмитрий Евгеньевич 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
181 Савченко Артем Гаджарович 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
182 Савченкова Дайана Владимировна 506 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
183 Самушия Александр Яковлевич 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
184 Саратовский Никита Сергеевич 503 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
185 Сафиканов Азамат Ахатович 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
186 Семыкин Артём Владленович 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
187 Сергиенко Аглая Владимировна 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
188 Сивачев Антон Александрович 505 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
189 Смирнова Наталия Владимировна 506 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
190 Смирнов Даниил Олегович 505 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
191 Соколова Светлана Витальевна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
192 Солдаткин Юрий Валерьевич 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
193 Сопова Нина Сергеевна 511 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
194 Старовойтов Егор Александрович 521 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
195 Стешенко Дмитрий Александрович 506 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
196 Струнин Даниил Дмитриевич 517 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
197 Сулаев Владимир Сергеевич 519 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
198 Сычева Ирина Евгеньевна 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
199 Сюнякова Сафия Маратовна 516 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
200 Сюрин Алексей Олегович Магистратура 1 курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
201 Тарасов Захар Алексеевич 515 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
202 Тверских Андрей Романович 506 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
203 Терентьев Тимур Анатольевич 503 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
204 Тетерин Юрий Александрович 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
205 Тимина Марина Сергеевна 503 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
206 Титенкова Ксения Юрьевна 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
207 Тихонова Ольга Николаевна 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
208 Тихонов Тимур Павлович 505 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
209 Торопов Павел Андреевич 517 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
210 Ужуев Исламутдин Камалутдинович 515 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
211 Федоров Тимофей Алексеевич 510 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
212 Феоктистов Матвей Андреевич 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
213 Халиуллина Дарья Руслановна 514 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
214 Хасанов Данил Салаватович 503 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
215 Хромоин Константин Александрович 515 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
216 Царев Антон Андреевич 519 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
217 Царькова Юлия Игоревна 506 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
218 Чайка Илья Дмитриевич 518 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
219 Чачин Павел Алексеевич 508 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
220 Чересленко Евгения Олеговна 514 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
221 Чернышов Даниил Александрович 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
222 Черняк Дмитрий Михайлович 505 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
223 Черткова Виктория Павловна 518 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
224 Чжуан Жуйшань Маг Selected chapters of chemistry: modern methods of investigation and analysis
225 Чиобану Елизавета Сергеевна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
226 Чистяков Григорий Дмитриевич 505 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
227 Чичулин Степан Николаевич 517 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
228 Чэнь Чжо маг-1 курс Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
229 Чэнь Чжэнсюй 110м Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
230 Шафранов Марк Андреевич 510 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
231 Шашков Михаил Максимович 505 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
232 Шевцова Ольга Александровна 504 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
233 Шевченко Анна Сергеевна 503 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
234 Шестаков Кирилл Денисович 520 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
235 Шехтман Софья Павловна 504 Promises and problems of Life Sciences
236 Шигапов Эмиль Альбертович 503 Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects
237 Шлыков Иван Владимирович 517 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
238 Шмычков Назар Васильевич 506 Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry: from Theory to Practice
239 Шпольвинд Никита Алексеевич 506 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
240 Шугаев Иоанн Ильич 507 States, dynamics and reactivity of molecules: interrelated quantum and classical concepts
241 Шумский Глеб Константинович 517 Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
242 Эльзессер Владислав Дмитриевич 507 Chemistry and physics of polymers and polymeric materials
243 Юн Эрик Артёмович Магистры 1 курс Selected chapters of chemistry: novel promising materials
244 Юрина Екатерина Сергеевна 1 курс магистратуры Biochemistry and biotechnology: problems and prospects

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