E. D. Viryus, I. A. Revel’skii, I. N. Glazkov, A. A. Martynov, D. A. Chepelaynskii
Identification of traces of components of complex mixtures with unknown
composition by
chromato-mass-spectrometry and tandem mass-spectrometry
based on use GC-MS-MS with low energy electron impact ionization (30 eV), on
choice of molecular ions as parent ions, on ranking daughters ions in
accordance with their relative intensities in mass-spectra and
computer-searching based on ranking ions was proposed.It was shown that results
of the identification of unknown mixtures compounds obtained using were
completely identical to obtained using commonly used GC/MS method with electron
impact ionization (70 eV). Besides that, this method provides the possibility
of identification a larger number of compounds in unknown complex mixtures in
comparison with common GC-MS method due to decreasing of noise level.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002