A. A. Abramov, B. Z. Iofa Interference of elements at extraction by oxygen-containing extractants. Calculation of distribution coefficients Abstract Extraction of tellurium (IV), tin (IV) and indium (III) by aliphatic alcohols and ketones from hydrochloric acid solutions was studied either at individual separation of elements or at their sumultaneous extraction. Electrocondactivities of extracts were measured and using these data, dissosiation constants of the extracted metal-halogen acids in organic solvents were calculated by Fuoss–Krauss method. Method for the calculation of distribution coefficients of elements at their simultaneous extraction according to hydrate-solvate and mixed solvate and hydrate-solvate mechanisms was put forward. It is shown that the calculated distribution coefficients are in a good agreement with experimental data.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002 |