I. A. Nechepurenko, A. V. Dorofeenko, A. P. Vinogradov, E. G. Evtushenko, I. N. Kurochkin Signal enhancement from fluorescently labeled exosomes: theoretical analysis of fluorescence in the vicinity of plasmonic nanoparticle Abstract An approach for measurement of exosomes concentration in biofluids based on non-specific labeling by fluorescent dye followed by specific fluorescence enhancement by plasmonic particle is proposed. Theoretical evaluation of proposed scheme is performed. A model of the interaction of the incident wave, the fluorophore and the plasmonic nanoparticles is developed. Calculations of the amplification of molecule fluorescence near a gold or silver nanoparticles are performed with the account of actual dispersion of the metal dielectric permittivity. Physical mechanisms of the fluorescence enhancement are described. These are change of the local field intensity by the nanoparticle, difference in the radiation efficiency of the fluorophore and the nanoparticles, as well as superradiance.Key words: exosomes, fluorescence enhancement, plasmons, metallic nanoparticles.
Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002 |