Publications of the Laboratory of Solutions
- V.A. Durov, O.G. Tereshin, I.Yu. Shilov
Supramolecular structure and physicochemical properties of the systems
acetone-methanol and acetone-ethanol.
- I.Yu. Shilov, B.M. Rode, V.A. Durov
Long Range Molecular Correlations and Hydrogen Bonding in Liquid Methanol
- V.A. Durov
Modeling of Supramolecular Ordering in Molecular Liquids: Structure,
Physicochemical Properties, and Macroscopic Manifestations.
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
Dielectric Properties and Molecular Structure of the Liquid
Unsaturated Alcohols and their Mixtures with Tetrachloromethane.
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
Dielectric Properties and Molecular Structure of the Liquid Unsaturated
Alcohols and their Mixtures with Tetrachloromethane.
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
Supramolecular Organization and Physico-chemical Properties of Liquid
Systems. Cyclohexane - Cyclohexanol mixture
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
Supermolecular Structure on and Physico-chemical Properties of Liquid
Systems. Dimethylsulfoxide-Trichloromethane Mixture
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
On thermodynamics of nonelectrolyte mixtures
- V.A. Durov
Liquid Systems Supramolecular Organization: Modelling of Properties,
Phenomena, and Molecular Design
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
Supramolecular Organization and Physicochemical Properties
of Tetrachloromethane-Methanol Mixture
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
On the Structure and Dielectric Properties of
Cyclohexanone-4-Methylcyclohexanol Mixture
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
Supramolecular Organization and Physico-chemical Properties of Liquid
Systems. Cyclohexanone-Cyclohexanol Mixture
- V.A. Durov, I.Yu. Shilov
Molecular Structure and Physicochemical Properties of
Acetone-Chloroform Mixture