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N. V. Novosyolova, Hueiczyuan' Gun, E. P. Kazachinskaya, A. Ph. Putilin, I. L. Volchkova, V. N. Kalinichenko, V. N. Matveenko

Kinetic regularities of cyclodextrins moleculas associates formation in water solutions


The surface properties of water solutions of P-cyclodextrin (p-CD) and its oxyalkylated derivatives on division boundary with air are studied. It is shown in the first time that the CDs under investigation are weak surfactants, and the surface tension isotherms of their water solutions are non monotonous, it is connect to CDs molecules association. The associates formation is proved by Langmuir method, photon-correlation spectroscopy and computer molecular modeling. It is established that at keeping the CDs "olding" take place, in result which the CDs surface properties and comlexation ability are changed.
Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin.
2005, Vol. 46, No. 4, P. 248

Copyright (C) Chemistry Dept., Moscow State University, 2002
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